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Sometimes Gamers Need Help

Video games should be for everybody, but sometimes it’s just too much for us. Some games are making allowances for this, but others definitely aren’t. That’s where you need someone to step in and help.


Online games are increasingly doing away with user-friendliness in return for long and unwieldy missions. Developers expect you to work for your enjoyment, and many people do.

But if you’re a casual player or if you have other reasons for not being able to overcome these difficult designs, what can you do?

Hire a helper

This might seem like an extreme thing to do, but it’s not that unusual. There are sites like Gamingcy that can help you find someone to help you boost your levels. And while it might feel like cheating, it’s a simple solution to a simple problem.

These businesses have grown out of an increasing need to overcome difficult or boring sections to get to the real game. That’s why they focus on titles like World of Warcraft or Destiny 2. They can help you to develop your skills and, if not, they’ll at least get you to a level where you can carry on without them.

Join the Community

Most popular online games serve millions of people. Plenty of them want to play with you. It’s just a case of getting in touch.

This isn’t quite as simple as the above, but it means you can save some money. And you might just get some other benefits too.

There are dozens of communities built up around World of Warcraft. It might take some time to work out exactly what communities suit your needs. But once you’ve found them you can make friends for life.

At the very least, you’ll find people to help you level up and help you find your place in these games.

Play With Friends

If your friends don’t accept you evangelizing the beauty of Destiny 2, are they even your friends? Seriously, getting them to play shouldn’t be too hard, and it might just be a new way of spending time together.

These games are designed to be played by people who know each other. While there are other ways of playing them, it’s best when you’re playing with a dedicated group who can enjoy each there’s company.

And so this is always going to be the best way to get over the early game boredom. Playing with friends add an unexpected element that even the developers don’t expect. And if nothing else, it’ll always be a laugh.


There are a number of ways of getting help while playing through the early parts of these games, and while some of them costs money, others are completely free and might just enhance your experience.

But whatever way you approach it, these games are made to be played together. And if you can manage your time, friends and finances, then you’ll easily be able to make the most out of it.

What happens after that is up to you. But at least you’ll have the experience to make the most of it.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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