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Sony confirms time and date of Gamescom Press Conference

The Sony Press Conference being held at the Gamescom convention in Cologne next month has today been given an exact time and date.

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PlayStation 4 release date leaked? have updated their site with a countdown timer to the elusive PS4 release date. The timer is pointing towards a November 13th date.

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PS4 Mock-up Based on Teaser Trailer

The sneak peak PS4 video didn't show much on first inspection but a closer look and a lot of freeze framing revealed more than meets the eye. Multiple screengrabs of the video gave Reddit user Albino-Zebra just enough information to be able to piece together a mockup of what he thinks the PS4 may actually look like.

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PS4 images leaked

Dutch website PSX-Sense has recently received an anonymous tip which includes the teaser trailer for the PS4, persumably intended to be showcased at E3 next month. Within the 44 second trailer the PS4 is clearly shown from multiple angles. Sexy, sleak and extremely stylish as you’d expect from the Sony giant. As of yet nobody knows for sure if said video is real or fake although it does look to be very polished, professional and official. See below for screenshots…

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