Warner Bros. have today announced LEGO The Hobbit, a new LEGO game based in the world of Peter Jackson's latest epic fantasy trilogy. If LEGO Lord of the Rings is anything to go by, there'll be more than enough reference to JRR Tolkien's one-film-max 1937 novel as well.
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Negative Amazon Xbox One Reviews Come from People Without Xbox One
The Xbox One launched today, and, if you look at the Amazon reviews, it seems there are a good deal of people disappointed with their purchase. That is until you look a little bit closer and realize all but one or two of the reviews come from people who didn’t actually buy an Xbox One. Yes, it seems a veritable minefield, buying an Xbox One. Some are complaining about failing Blu-ray drives. Others are worried because their console has completely…
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Call of Duty: Ghosts Map Pack Names Leaked
The names of all four map packs for Call of Duty: Ghosts have apparently been revealed by Activision on accident. According to VG24/7, a gamer by the name of Fariko_Scorch, a member of the competitive gaming group Fariko, posted an email sent to him by Activision that detailed the upcoming DLC. Here’s the tweet below: @charlieINTEL i got a email from call of duty pic.twitter.com/urug90TKqE — Ryan (@Fariko_Scorch) November 21, 2013 This image is more than likely legit.…
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Twitch Coming To Xbox One In 2014
While Playstation 4 users have been able to stream games via Twitch since launch, the Xbox One won’t get the service until 2014. There isn’t an official release date yet, but more than likely Twitch be available early in the new year. Here’s more from a company blog post: We know the ability to instantly broadcast gameplay is something the gaming community is excited about, and we are too. We are working to ensure the initial Twitch on Xbox One…
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Microsoft Drops Zune Marketplace
According to an email from Microsoft, the Zune Marketplace will no longer be available on the Xbox 360 on November 22nd. This was a long time coming, but inevitable, especially with the Xbox One on the way, and Microsoft’s new direction for multimedia entertainment on their consoles. Here’s more from the email: We recently notified you that with the Fall 2013 release of the Xbox 360 update, Microsoft Points are being retired. This email is a confirmation that as part…
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Kinect 2.0 Sees Everything – Including Things Best Kept Covered
When the original Kinect was announced, there was a joke about people playing games in the nude, especially in relation to Lionhead's unreleased Milo. That's not a problem any more, as Kinect 2.0 picks up on your bits whether you're wearing clothes or not.
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Rayman Legends Coming to PS4, Xbox One in 2014
Rayman Legends will be making the jump to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in February 2014, Ubisoft have today revealed. The sequel to Rayman Origins and one of the best platform games of the year was previously released on Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC and Vita.
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Next-Gen Middle-Earth Game Announced
It's a double-barrelled nightmare, but the first next-gen Middle-Earth game from Warner-Brothers (maybe not that last one) was today announced for Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.
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Mandatory PlayStation 4 Installs Explained
Games aren't played from a Blu-ray disk this gen. Instead, the game is installed from the disk and then played by the hard drive. How does this work? How long will you have to wait while a game installs? Ahead of the PlayStation 4's US launch, Sony have explained mandatory installs on PS4.
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Project Spark Staff Worried by User Created Content
In some ways, Project Spark was the best thing to be shown at E3. It's LittleBigPlanet, without boundaries. But when you give people the opportunity to easily create a world for other users, there's one inevitable truth: there will be penises.
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