He's at it again! @OMGitsJezy takes a look at the LucidSounds LS30 headset for Xbox One and PS4. This is one elegant looking headset, and it's one thing that Jezy has been noting on twitter and via his videos. This is a headset where there are no extra frills and flashes. It is just 100% quality hardware.
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7 Days to Die by Telltale this summer
Telltale is at it again with another episodic title hitting PC and consoles this summer. Telltale will give their representation of "7 Days to Die," and if it is like any of their other projects, it will be fantastic!
Read MorePirate Quantum Break to become…a Pirate?
Screens have surfaced showing off main Quantum Break character Jack Joyce sporting an eye patch with a skull and crossbones. First impressions by some have been that someone has found a way to create mods for Quantum Break, but the real situation is both funny and incredibly informative. The developers themselves have added this nifty touch to their game to highlight individuals who have pirated the game. This should make for some interesting comments on some people's Twitch or YouTube streams.
Read MoreGears of War 4 Release Date Announced
If you have been a long time Xbox fan you've probably had the chance to play at least one of the many Gears of War games. They are really divisive: either you love them or you hate them. However, the overall success of the franchise has been really great, which means we will be getting more Gears of War...in the near future! With the re-release of Gears of War, Microsoft ushered in the age of Gears on Xbox One. This October we get to see what next step the developers will be taking.
Read MoreQuantum Break Releases Today
Quantum Break launches on Xbox One and PC today. we loved the title, enough to give it a 9/10. This is a great game, and unique in its presentation. Between the various acts you play through, counter balanced by the numerous TV episodes you will watch, really makes for a gripping and entertaining experience. While the game boasts choice, we do feel the maximum number of times you will play it is twice. However, both times feel different, making the 20 hour adventure completely worth it!
Read MoreQuantum Break Review
Reviewing Quantum Break is an exceptionally difficult task. Reviewing any game that stands on its narrative and story direction is incredibly hard to do. Quantum Break is that type of game, one that is driven by narrative, plots and subplots, and the options of choice. Running through the game and giving our impressions WITHOUT spoiling the story might not make for the greatest review, but it needs to be done none-the-less.
Read MoreThe Flame in the Flood Review
Indie games are great, and Evolve PR is one of the best at getting relevant games into the hands of the right people. Without the PR company, I may not have known The Flame in the Flood existed. That's not the companies fault, it's mine for not being aware. And I'm so damn glad I found out, because The Flame in the Flood might be one of the best sub 20.00$ games on the market. With cute graphics, and outstanding soundtrack, and lots of strategic appeal, The Flame in the Flood might be one of the best indie titles available on Xbox One this year.
Read MoreBeyond Eyes Xbox One
I've read numerous reviews of Beyond Eyes before I ever played. I saw scores as high as a nine, and scores as low as a five. Generally, that tells me this is a love it or hate it game. Knowing I could get a review code for our website, I decided to look into it.
Read MoreMore Great DLC from Bethesda: Elder Scrolls Online
It's been a long while since the Elder Scrolls Online launched on PC, and even less time that the game has been available on console. However, Bethesda continues to show support for the game well after launch, and from our perspective, it keeps us playing. As a reviewer, a ton of video games come through my front doors on a weekly basis. Some get played, review, and 'dumped' to never - or basically never - be touched again. This hasn't been the case with Elder Scrolls Online. This is a game that gets played weekly in my home, and all of this added DLC just ...
Read MoreFirst Fallout 4 DLC: Automatron
Robots in Fallout are a staple. They are everywhere, whether it's your kind butler or a robot that...wants to kill you? This latest DLC has you attempting to stop a robot uprising, run by kingpin Mechanist. It is your job to infiltrate Robco facilities and end the uprising.
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