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Disney Infinity Review

Like everyone, I looked at Disney Infinity when it was announced and saw only a money grabbing rip-off of Activision's popular Skylanders series. ANOTHER game where I have to buy overpriced toys to unlock some on-disc DLC? Ridiculous.

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Muscle Run Review

The combination of endless runner and driving game seems like a natural fit: put someone behind the wheel, and throw them into some gravel-flavored mayhem, upgrading cars and purchasing new rides along the way. It seems so simple: but as Muscle Run proves, a great idea does not a great game make. Despite a few interesting features and an intriguing gameplay design, Muscle Run never quite fills its potential; a fun, but short-lasting mobile experience.

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The Wonderful 101 Review

The Wonderful 101 is what happens when you take Nintendo's charm and core-appeal and stuff it into a Saturday morning cartoon format. This is a world where heroes scream the name of their power before using it, in which every ability is mercilessly explained in detail, in which you're the hero and in which you'll die. A lot.

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Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth Review

Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth was a Kinect game originally, and was ported to the Wii U along with an alternative control scheme in the hopes of entertaining a new market. It's actually a really difficult game to review, because although what's there is, by and large, pretty decent stuff, it amazes me that there's enough content here to even fill the blurb on the back of the box.

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Save the Snail HD Review

You have no idea how difficult it is to be a snail. There are traps everywhere - hammers, spikes, pins, deadly drops - and that's before you even begin to think of falling rocks and the hot sun. It's not easy to be a snail, and so it helps to have someone around to strategically throw you around, protect you with pencils and help you avoid things that may just kill you.

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Batman Arkham City Armored Edition

When the Wii U was released, it brought with it a handful of ports and "enhanced" editions, partly because they were awesome games and partly because Nintendo wanted to prove that the Wii U was just as capable of playing "grown up" games as any of the other consoles. That they didn't need to worry about proving themselves in that way, and that many of the quickly-rushed ports actually seemed to prove the opposite probably didn't come into it.

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SMITE Review

For anyone on the outside looking in, the MOBA genre can look like a scary one. There are too many numbers, too much clutter on the screen, too many characters, abilities, items and you have to work as a team! I have a confession: I used to think that too, and as I dipped my toe into the deep blue ocean of MOBAs I was still thinking it. Now, some lost hours later, I have emerged a fan. I say emerged, I can't quite tear myself away.

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Saints Row IV Review

The Saints Row series started out as a free-roaming criminal rampage game that was very close to Grand Theft Auto, but by the time Saints Row The Third showed up the developers had pretty much abandoned the idea of edgy crime drama and made a game where gamers could drive around on the Light Cycle from Tron, shooting people with a Shark Gun while their pal Burt Reynolds helped them beat up zombies.

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Cook, Serve, Delicious! Review

Cook, Serve, Delicious is not just about preparing food, but serving it in a timely manner. You are re-opening a restaurant, conveniently named Cook, Serve, Delicious, that was once a five star restaurant in the SherriSoda Tower. It is your job to restore it into the famous restaurant it used to be.

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Europa Universalis IV Review

Europa Universalis is a franchise where you don't just control a country or play a king, you are the ruler of your very own nation. That comes with all of the good and all of the bad. The power to do whatever you want, but the responsibility to not always do it. The need to protect and expand your nation whilst all others do the same.

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