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Steel Series X800 Headset Review

I've used high end headsets before, but none of them have been as user friendly as the Steel Series Siberia X800 headset. Through ease of use and outstanding audio quality, for over 300.00, you won't find a much better headset. There are no major aesthetic bells and whistles to this headset - like there are in many headsets from other companies - but with this release, Steel Series is pursuing functionality and comfort; they have succeeded.

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Tales From The Borderlands Episode 3: Catch A Ride

Tales from the Borderlands Episode 3: Catch a Ride continues its journey through Pandora with our protagonists Rhys, a middle of the pack manager, his friend Vaughn along with Fiona and her sister Sasha, all still trying to get their hands on the riches of the Vault stored in Pandora. As we had seen in the two episodes prior to episode three we were greeted with humor, violence and suspense for the following episode. In Episode 3: Catch a Ride, however; we notice a little bit of a bump in the road in terms of the charm it had in Episode 1 and 2.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Review

Treyarch Studios has always done something different with the Black Ops series, and these changes are often bizarre; but they work, almost 100% of the time. Black Ops 3 is no different. The change in game philosophy keeps the title fresh and exciting, while maintaining the great mechanics that make a Call of Duty game, well, a Call of Duty game!

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PDP Afterglow Prismatic Controller Review

You've probably at least once in your lifetime used a PDP controller, whether you realized it or not. The iconic Afterglow controller look hasn't changed much since the PS3 and Xbox 360 days, and this is because Performance Design Products is using a template that works. The look of the controller is a marketing tool, consistent across all platforms and generations, much like their lineup of Afterglow Headse

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Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Review

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon will not be a game that every 3DS or Pokemon fan will like, but that doesn't mean it does not have some redeeming qualities. Individuals who have been turned off by previous Mystery Dungeon titles will not be won over with this latest installment. The core game play mechanics have not been overhauled much from previous titles, but the inclusion of 20 Pokemon to select as a starter, and the ability to interact with all 720 Pokemon - including legionaries - should make fans of the franchise ready to tackle and more mystery dungeons.

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Mario Tennis Ultra Smash Review

When the topic of Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash comes up on the internet, emotions range from disappointment to rage. After playing the game for a lot longer than I should (on my own that is) it would be hard for me to disagree with what a lot of people are saying. That being said, the sub-5 scores I have been seeing seem overly harsh, especially when I look at the number of hours I spent playing locally with others. Mario Tennis does do a lot of things wrong, but when compared to other party games, it works as well as you would want it to.

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Fallout 4 Review in Progres: My First Few Hours

The first few hours of Fallout 4 have exhilarated me, frustrated me, and made me go, "What?" That is what you are in for if you decide you want to play Fallout 4. Although our review isn't live yet - and won't be for a while! - I can safely say that if open world RPG's are your thing, you probably don't want to pass up on this, even if you've never played a Fallout game in the past. Consider this the beginning of our Review-in-Progress.

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AG 9 Headset Review

We are back with yet another PDP gaming headset review. Why wouldn't we be? Overall, every headset from PDP has received a passing grade from us here at Games Reviews, and many of you have hit us up on social media to let us know which headset you bought and why. What Performance Design Products has going for them is not necessarily having the best headset available, but for providing a better than average headset for the MSRP.

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Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition Review

If you are not willing to put a lot of time into Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition you should probably stop reading now. Don't bother with this title. It will be your loss, but I also won't fool anyone. If you don't have the desire to slog through over 100 hours of content to fully appreciate this masterpiece, I feel sorry for you.

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Rise of the Tomb Raider Review

I went into Tomb Raider with pretty low expectations. At X15 in Toronto, I was treated to a 20 minute demo of the first tomb in the game, and I came out of it incredibly disappointed. Rise of the Tomb Raider looked like every other action adventure puzzle game I had ever played. To me, it seemed like a poor attempt to replicate the Uncharted franchise before Uncharted 4 had a chance to come out (yes I realize Tomb Raider on 360 was similar as well).

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