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Justice Chronicles Review

The Nintendo 3DS has a lot of role playing games coming out this year. Among the big rpg titles coming out, there are also some rpgs coming from Indie developers. One of the Indie rpgs recently released is called Justice Chronicles. How is this 3DS eshop rpg?

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More Thoughts From Me #13: Where Are the Real Nintendo Fans?

Every time Nintendo does a new Nintendo Direct, has an E3 event, or announces something new, the whiners come out to play. The loudest voice in the Nintendo community for the past several years (perhaps longer) has been the whiners. These are the people that seem to hate almost everything Nintendo does! Where have all the real Nintendo fans gone? Why don’t these people speak up? Nintendo is not perfect. They make mistakes and they could do better on some…

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Bravely Second Gets A New Overview Trailer From Nintendo

Bravely Second, Square Enix’s upcoming rpg, is coming this month! Nintendo released a new overview trailer for the game today! Bravely Second is almost here! There is currently a 3DS eshop demo and the game will be released on April 15th. If you want to know about the demo for Bravely Second, check out my preview of it here. I liked the demo, but I still remain unsure about Bravely Second. The demo was a lot like the first game…

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Quantum Break Review

Reviewing Quantum Break is an exceptionally difficult task. Reviewing any game that stands on its narrative and story direction is incredibly hard to do. Quantum Break is that type of game, one that is driven by narrative, plots and subplots, and the options of choice. Running through the game and giving our impressions WITHOUT spoiling the story might not make for the greatest review, but it needs to be done none-the-less.

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Is this My Nintendo?: A Look At Nintendo’s New Reward System

Nintendo’s new fan appreciation service, My Nintendo, started today. I was already signed up for the service and decided to go to take a look at what it had to offer. Here are my first impressions of My Nintendo!       Nintendo has always wanted to reward its fan somehow. For a long while, their reward system was Club Nintendo. That service is dead now and its replacement started today. My Nintendo is very different from Club Nintendo. The…

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Shantae: Risky’s Revenge Director’s Cut Review

Shantae: Risky’s Revenge Director’s Cut is a port of a game that was once on the Dsi. Now the game is on the Wii U and being labeled a Director's Cut. Has the game's visuals been updated? What about its gameplay? Is Shantae: Risky's Revenge a Wii U game or a quick port of an old game?

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The Flame in the Flood Review

Indie games are great, and Evolve PR is one of the best at getting relevant games into the hands of the right people. Without the PR company, I may not have known The Flame in the Flood existed. That's not the companies fault, it's mine for not being aware. And I'm so damn glad I found out, because The Flame in the Flood might be one of the best sub 20.00$ games on the market. With cute graphics, and outstanding soundtrack, and lots of strategic appeal, The Flame in the Flood might be one of the best indie titles available on Xbox One this year.

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More Thoughts From Me #12: Staying Earthbound

Earthbound is one of my favorite Super Nintendo rpgs, if not my favorite of all time. I liked the game back when I wasn’t a fan of role playing games. I’ve bought Earthbound three times now: SNES, Wii U, and New 3DS. Why do I keep coming back to this game? I didn’t like any of the NES or SNES Final Fantasy games the first time I played them. What can I say? I was young and foolish. I did,…

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Earthbound Has Arrived on the New 3DS eshop Today!

I’ve bought Earthbound three times now! I bought it when it first came out on the SNES, I bought it when it came to the Wii U, and now I’ve bought it on the New 3DS. The game arrived on the New 3DS today! Will you be picking it up? Earthbound came out on the New 3DS eshop today in North America. The game is also available on the Wii U. Nintendo has been giving the Earthbound games a lot…

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Nintendo UK Takes A Look At The History of Star Fox

I still own Star Fox for the SNES. I never did own Star Fox 64 on the 64 because I didn’t have that system. I did buy the game on the Wii however and played the 3DS remake of the game! I’m a huge fan of the Star Fox franchise, especially when its a full on spaceship shooter. In a new video, Nintendo UK took a look at the History of Star Fox. We should do that too! I’ll tell…

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