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Nintendo Announces Galaxy Style New 3DS

Some of the best Nintendo surprises have come out of nowhere lately. The NES Mini? No one could have predicted that! The New Leaf update? I was sure that Nintendo had abandoned New Leaf. There had been no updates or dlc for it in awhile! And now today, Nintendo has surprised us with another new thing out of nowhere. Nintendo announced the Galaxy Style New 3DS today! The Galaxy Style New 3DS will be coming out this week. It will…

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Best Accessories for Gaming Laptops

Now that you’ve bought yourself a gaming laptop you’ll need the best accessories to give you the gaming edge. While these additions to your gaming setup may not make it the most mobile of gaming options, to be the best player you can be, these can be essential.

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Select Gamestops Will Hold Metroid Prime Federation Force/Dragon Quest 7 Demo Event This Weekend

Select Gamestops will hold a demo event for Metroid Prime Federation Force and Dragon Quest 7 this weekend. Check out the list below to see if your Gamestop will hold the event! If you are lucky enough, you may find a Gamestop this weekend (8/27) holding a demo event for Metroid Prime Federation Force and Dragon Quest 7! Since there’s a Blastball demo on the eshop and the game is out, a demo event for Federation Force isn’t such a…

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Objection!: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice 3DS Demo Impressions

I’m not a Phoenix Wright fan. I’ve tried the demos before and I just didn’t think the games were that good. And yet, I keep downloading the demos. I’m not sure why. I suppose it has to do with my love of adventure/rpg/puzzle games. I keep hoping that I’ll love one of these Phoenix Wright 3DS games. So I downloaded the new Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice demo. What did I think of it? Did I like…

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NX Rumors Continue to Mount, Nintendo Will Not React

If anything can be learned from the year of 2016, it is that fan hype can destroy something that, when released, is still very good. The initial thought here would be No Man’s Sky. A quiet development team and so much fan hype ultimately led to mediocre scores for the anticipated titles. I feel the same way right now about Nintendo and the NX. We are only 8 months away from the launch of the Nintendo NX – if Nintendo’s…

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Hitman over Deus Ex? Episode 4 Bangkok Impressions

Although we can all see that Hitman and Deus Ex are two very different experiences, they both share a very common play mechanic – stealth. When playing through both titles in the past week – Deus Ex for review and the latest Hitman episode – I realized that although Deus Ex is packed full of things to do, I would rather play stealth in Hitman. The fundamental difference between environments in both titles is that Deus Ex is built for…

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Its Time To Mow Some Grass: The Legend of Kusakari First Impressions

On Tuesday, I received a new 3DS review code for a game. The game is called The Legend of Kusakari and in it you…mow grass. Well, you mow the grass with a sword rather than a lawn mower, but still, the object of the game is to get rid of grass. Of course, it wouldn’t be a video game if there wasn’t some challenge! There are enemies to avoid as you cut the grass and you’re health will keep falling…

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#Nindies Get Ready to Jam In September And Beyond

The Wii U has been home to many indie games since the system came out. The 3DS has also been home to some cool indies too. But Nindies, as Nintendo indies have been nicknamed, are only getting started this year! Nintendo released a press release and a trailer today showing off Nindies that are coming next month through December. Its a very impressive list! We have Nintendo’s press release, the trailer, and my thoughts on the Nindies below. We have…

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New Halo Content Coming to PC and Xbox One On September 8th

If you’re a fan of Halo, then you may be interested in today’s news. Halo 5: Forge will be coming to PC on September 8th and on that same day, Halo 5: Guardians for Xbox One will be getting a new update. We have details on both Halo additions below! Halo 5: Forge will be coming to Windows Stores for Windows 10 PC on September 8th. According to PR, “Halo 5: Forge lets map makers, creative visionaries, and Spartans of…

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No Man’s Sky Review

Nothing on the PS4 has been as hyped as No Man's Sky; ok fine, a few things have been - Uncharted 4 anyone - but for the most part, No Man's Sky has been one of the most anticipated games of 2014...2015, and hell, even 2016. Had I quit playing after the first few hours I probably would have scored this a fairly strong 8, but after logging nearly 30 hours, I'm starting to realize I'm playing something that's more like a 6.

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