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Lode Runner Legacy Demo Impressions

I have heard of Lode Runner but I don’t believe I’ve ever played it before. When I heard a demo for Lode Runner Legacy had popped up on the Japanese eshop, well, I had to check it out (the demo is now available everywhere). What is Lode Runner Legacy exactly? Is the demo any good? Lode Runner Legacy is brand new game for the Nintendo Switch. Its currently available in North America, Europe, and Japan. I checked out the demo…

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LEGO The Incredibles Announce Trailer

LEGO has made a game out of almost everything: Marvel, DC, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. However they have never done a LEGO game based on a Pixar movie…until now! LEGO The Incredibles was announced this week. We have the announcement trailer below, along with my thoughts on the game! LEGO The Incredibles has been announced for the Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The game will be out on June 15, 2018. LEGO The…

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MLB The Show 18 Review

MLB The Show 18 is breaking any major new ground in their year-to-year baseball outing, but does slightly build on The Show 17 in enough ways to make picking up the latest iteration money well spent. While the new features brought into the game are mostly cosmetic, upping the games presentation, they do add value that will be important for those who likely pick up each iteration anyways. Those looking for a few causal rounds of baseball can probably pass on this years installment, but be warned: you'll miss out on one of the most realistic baseball ...

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No Man’s Sky NEXT In The Works, Xbox One Version Coming

No Man's Sky was the subject of a lot of criticism when the game originally released. The development team - and mostly the team leader - talked big, grand experiences that ultimately did not pan out when the game hit retail. No Man's Sky was one of the most returned titles via Steam right after release, and PS4 and PC fans across the world let their dissatisfaction known, some productively and others...toxicily. Since that release, the development team did make a lot of great improvements to the game, although at that time many had moved on. Now, the team is ...

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Caught in the Butterfly Effect: A Look At Last Day in June for Nintendo Switch

A very tragic event is about to take place: a man will lose his loved one…over and over and over again. He will try to save her…but can it be done? Even I’m not sure yet, because I just got this game yesterday. The game in question is the Last Day in June for Nintendo Switch. Last Day in June has a very unique premise, but is it a good game so far? Last Day In June tells its story…

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Easter Has Come to Disney Magic Kingdoms

Although many of the Easter offerings this year are carry overs form last, many players have joined Disney Magic Kingdoms during that span. Over the last number of days, Gameloft has released the Easter update for the game, bringing in new costumes and a new stall for you to plop in your kingdom! Check out new Easter items below, and let us know what you are going to purchase!

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Sea of Thieves Review

Sea of Thieves is a game that is LOADED with potential, but little of which is released at this time. It's also a game I will keep coming back to from time-to-time to see what has been changed and updated. What is hear is great, but when you are asking 59.99 USD for the experience, it quickly becomes apparent that what's here isn't worth the retail purchase price. On the flip side, for those looking at it via Xbox Game Pass, there is plenty of value here for your $10 a month entrance price.

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Three Satisfying Kills in Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 launched today across the world, on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4; if you had the opportunity to read our review-in-progress, you'll know that we absolutely love the game, and almost everything it contains! With a host of new features, and a new formula for game progression, Far Cry 5 is setting itself up to be the best in the franchise, and for good reason. Outside of the fascinating characters, there is plenty to enjoy here, especially those unique moments when you can get a very satisfying kill. Here are our top 3 that you should try!

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OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead Dev Diary #1

Earlier today, I tweeted out that Far Cry 5 would make the perfect backdrop for a Walking Dead video game, forgetting that one was actually already in the works. Although not by Ubisoft, Overkill Software is working on bringing The Walking Dead to life in a multiplayer FPS experience. Little has been released about this game, but today the developers broke their silence, releasing the first of (hopefully) many Dev Diaries. Check it out below!

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More Thoughts From Me #113: Mortal Kombat Asks You To “Finish Him!”

I was really young when the original Mortal Kombat for the NES came out. I remember thinking it was gross but I wasn’t offended by it and neither was my dad. The game was violent but it was over the top cartoon violence. Of course not everyone saw it like that. A small group and the media tried to turn Mortal Kombat into a controversy  There have been a lot of Mortal Kombat games since then but none of them…

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