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Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition (Trailer)

I loved Dragon Quest XI on the Playstation 4. Its a fantastic game. And even though I played it on the PS4, I was still interested in the Switch version. Now, after seeing the new trailer from today’s Direct, I’m even more interested! Take a look! Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition looks incredible. The main graphics look a lot like the Playstation 4 version but you can change to a retro art style…

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Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is Being Remade for the Switch

The final reveal at the end of today’s Nintendo Direct was a big one: Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is being remade for the Nintendo Switch! Link’s Awakening on the Gameboy was a really good game. I played it again when it was released on the 3DS Virtual Console and still liked it. This new version of the game looks amazing! The graphics look like a combination of A Link Between Worlds and A Link to the Past, with a…

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Super Mario Maker 2 Announced for Nintendo Switch

Nintendo started off today’s Nintendo Direct with a huge announcement: Super Mario Maker 2 is coming to the Switch. We have a video of the game and thoughts on it. Super Mario Maker 2 was rumored for the Switch but I had no idea that Nintendo was going to start this Nintendo Direct with it. Not only that but the game was announced for June 2019! Nintendo mentioned that there will be more features revealed but so far, they showcased…

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Nintendo Direct 2-13-19 (video)

Nintendo held a Direct today in North America, Europe, and Japan. Below you can find the video of the NA Direct. What was your favorite announcement from today’s Nintendo Direct? We’ll have some articles soon that spotlight what we consider the best of the Direct…

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Division 2 Preorder

Want a Free Game? The Division 2 Pre-order Can Help!

As if there wasn't enough hype around the release of The Division 2 with its focus on replayability and endgame content and the Private Beta they offered for anyone who pre-ordered the game before Feb 7th, Ubisoft has now announced that anyone who puchases a standard edition of The Division 2 Pre-order digitally will receive another Ubisoft blockbuster, absolutely FREE. That's right, you heard me. No trade-in required, no special edition purchase needed.

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More Thoughts From Me #158: Does Kingdom Hearts 3 Live Up to the Hype?

In a column not long ago, I talked about how much I was looking forward to Kingdom Hearts 3. I had very high expectations for the title. While I haven’t finished Kingdom Hearts 3 yet, I have played all of the Disney worlds and I’m very close to seeing the ending. How am I feeling about Kingdom Hearts 3? Is it living up to the hype? Warning: there are spoilers to Kingdom Hearts 3 in this article so don’t read…

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Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy Review

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy is a game heavily inspired by Egyptian lore, from its story to its setting and characters. Mythology is a good source for video games, though it doesn't always result in a good game. Is Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy good, OK, or just plain bad?

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Nintendo Direct Announced for 2/13/19

On twitter today, Nintendo announced a Direct for tomorrow (2/13). Check out the tweet below for more details! So we know that Fire Emblem Three Houses will be shown during the Direct but we have no idea what else will be shown. We do know that it’ll most likely only be Switch games though, unless there’s a duel Switch/3DS release in the mix. And with the video being around 35 mintues, we are looking at a pretty packed Nintendo Direct.…

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A Tales of Two Games: Evoland Legendary Edition Review

I did a preview of Evoland Legendary Edition last week. This week, I want to give you my final opinion on these games. Evoland Legendary Edition, as noted in the preview, is two games: Evoland 1 and 2, collected into one package. My review will look at both games individually and then come to a conclusion about the whole package. Is Evoland Legendary Edition worth downloading from the Nintendo Switch eshop? Evoland 1 While Evoland 1’s story is pretty simple…

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Devil May Cry 5 Demo Thoughts

A new demo for Devil May Cry 5 came out today for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. I just played it on PS4. Here are my thoughts on the demo! Its been awhile since I’ve played a Devil May Cry game. Last one I played was Devil May Cry 3 and I didn’t care for it. I wasn’t a huge fan of the second game either. The original game though, wow, I loved that game. So I didn’t know…

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