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Two Heads Are Better Than One In Pokken Tournament For Wii U

One of the things I like best about fighting games are the multiplayer modes. I especially enjoy local two-player games because both of my parents are video games fans and both of them enjoy fighting with me! Pokken Tournament, thankfully, has an two-player mode that is a lot of fun. I’ll tell you a little bit about it.


My mom likes Pokemon. I don’t think she’d ever be a fan of the rpg Pokemon games, but she likes the free downloadable Pokemon dungeon game for 3DS and she likes the look of the Pokemon characters. So, my mom was really excited when she heard I’d be reviewing Pokken Tournament. She wanted to play it herself! I asked her if she would fight against me in the two-player mode and she said yes right away. We had a ton of fun fighting each other and I hope we get another chance soon. I have a feeling that she’ll be playing the single player a lot by herself too!

That said, it was my dad who was the real challenge when it came to Pokken two-player mode. He is so very good at this game! My dad used the Wii remote and nunchuk combo to play against me and he beat me three out of four times. Ouch. He really picked up on Pokken’s Wii remote/nunchuk controls right away and kept singing its praises to me. I tried the controls out and…well…I’ll tell you tomorrow. My parents and I had a lot of fun playing two-player in Pokken. Its just a ton of fun.

What about the online multiplayer? Is it any good? Well, I think I’ll leave that answer for tomorrow. Yes, my full Pokken review is coming tomorrow. In fact, after writing this preview, I have to get back to writing the review. I’ll see you tomorrow with more Pokken goodness!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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