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Pokken Tournament Will Catch Your Attention Right Away

I’ve never reviewed a big Nintendo game before. When I was asked me to review Pokken Tournament, I got really excited. A review copy of a Nintendo game?! Wow. And its a Pokemon fighting game that looks really good too. Now, I’m not a Pokemon fan, but I thought Pokken looked cool. Today, I want to tell you about my very first reaction to Pokken. This is how I felt when I saw the game’s opening movie!


When I first put Pokken into my Wii U, I had no idea what to expect. I had seen some videos of the game and heard a tiny bit about it, but I had decided to stay away from too much information and long videos of the game. I wanted to be surprised (or disappointed) with the final product on my own terms.

The first thing I saw before pressing start was a long opening movie. The graphics on this movie just blew my mind. I had never seen Pokemon that looked this good before. The opening movie is breathtaking in HD. The characters and backgrounds look amazing. The fight scenes are intense and quick. I knew it was just a CGI movie, but if the game looked even half as good as the opening movie, then I knew I was in for a treat.

I had to watch the entire movie. I didn’t want to press start. Even after the movie was over with, I just sat there for a second and thought about that cool opening sequence. Could the actual game look that good?

Well, I’m leaving the answer to that question for my review later in the week. Though, you see that picture up above? Thats from the actual gameplay! The Pokemon, Garchomp, is my favorite character so far. Oh and that guy beside him is my Avatar for the game! What do you think of the picture?

I’ll be back tomorrow to tell you about my first experience with Pokken’s battles. I tried out the Practice mode first and I’ll tell you about that. I’m going to have a full review of Pokken Tournament up this Friday! Until then, I’ll have one mini-preview like this one a day. Ok, now I need to go and play some more Pokken Tournament!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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