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The Adventures of Elena Temple

The Adventures of Elena Temple is a game…about a game. A retro old game in fact! How exactly does this game work? Is it interesting? Do you want to play it? Check out my review of The Adventures of Elena Temple for Nintendo Switch! The Adventures of Elena Temple is the story of a fictional retro game that started with one fictional retro system and ended on another. The player is presented with each “system” in a menu and can…

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“Die” In Dreams: A Look At Suicide Guy for Nintendo Switch

Have you ever died…in your dreams? Have you ever wondered…”If I die in my dreams, do I die in real life?” Ok, obviously todays preview article comes with a Trigger Warning. If talk of suicide, even pretend, in your sleep and doesn’t really happen suicide, bothers you than do not read this article and do not play Suicide Guy for the Nintendo Switch. This game isn’t about suicide but the guy does die in his dreams, over and over and…

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Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Announcement Trailer

For awhile now, a lot of people have wanted Monster Hunter for the Nintendo Switch to come to the West. Looks like someone finally listened to those people because Monster Hunter Switch is coming to the west as Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. Check out the trailer for the game below. Monster Hunter Hunter Generations Ultimate will come to the Nintendo Switch on August 28, 2018. Are you excited for this game? What do you think of the first trailer? Let…

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PixelJunk Monsters 2 Nintendo Switch Demo Impressions

I vaguely remember trying out PixelJunk Monsters on the Playstation 3. I thought it was neat. And so when PixelJunk Monsters 2 was announced for the Nintendo Switch, I was interested in it too! Today, a demo was released for the game to the Japanese Switch eshop. I downloaded it and tried it out. Here are my impressions of the demo so far. PixelJunk Monsters 2 is a tower defense game. The demo for it is currently only available on…

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Death Road to Canada Review

We all know that Canada is a wonderful place and its full of wonderful people. That is just a fact! And so it should be no surprise that when the zombie apocalypse hits, Canada is one of the few safe places in the world. Welcome to Death Road to Canada for Nintendo Switch. Its a tough journey to Canada. You’ll be fighting a lot of zombies. Are you ready? Is this a Death Road you want to take? Death Road…

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More Thoughts From Me #119: Switching to Paid Online

Yesterday, Nintendo announced their paid online service plans. I knew this might happen and so I waited till the last minute to write this weeks More Thoughts. I was hoping that they would wait till after I wrote my column and that way I could be totally proven wrong! Oh well. Todays More Thoughts will be about the service and what I think about it. We all knew that sooner or later Nintendo would make us pay to play games…

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Press Release: Nintendo Announces Switch Online Service Details

Nintendo announced their upcoming paid online service for Nintendo Switch tonight! We have Nintendo of America’s press release on the service below. Stay tuned to because tomorrow on More Thoughts From Me I’ll have my opinion on the service. “Nintendo’s upcoming Nintendo Switch Online service is an affordable, multi-featured paid service that lets users enjoy online play for compatible Nintendo Switch games, access classic NES games with added online functionality, back up save data for most games and use…

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Fairune Collection Hits the Nintendo Switch on May 17th

On the 3DS, Fairune 1 and 2 were pretty neat games. And now both of them, plus two more games, will be coming to the Nintendo Switch this month. We have the details below! Fairune Collection will be coming to the Nintendo Switch on May 17th. The collection will contain four games: Fairune, Fairune 2, Fairune Origin, and Fairune Blast. Pre-orders for the game will start on May 10th with a 10% discount. Fairune Collection will cost $9.99. Will you…

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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze: 5 Tips and Tricks – AbdallahSmash

We are back with more great Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze content, and in this article we will be looking at a few tips and tricks, with the help of our good friend and YouTuber, Abdallah! Want a few pointers to get you going? We have you covered!

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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze 100% Walkthrough – AbdallahSmash

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is now available at retail and via the Nintendo eShop and GamesReviews is your home for the best tips and walktrhough videos, courtesy of our friend Abdallah who spent the week working on fantastic New content for you guys!

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