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Jack N’ Jill DX

Jack and Jill went up a hill…and ended up in a video game. Indie game Jack N’ Jill DX came to the Nintendo Switch eshop recently. I received a review code for the game and checked it out. Is Jack N’Jill DX any good? Jack N’ Jill DX is a runner. You do not control the movement of your character. At the beginning of the level, you press A and the character runs. After that, all you can do is…

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna -The Golden Country Review Part 3

Check out part 1 and 2 of my Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna -The Golden Country review-in-progress. Part 3 will focus on the new community and camping aspects of the game! Torna -The Golden Country introduces a new menu option, the Community section. With this menu, you can track people you’ve taken sidequests from and also just people you’ve met in general. As you journey throughout Torna, you’ll add more and more people to this menu. Complete quests for the people…

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Super Mario Party Review

Although I've always enjoyed the Mario Party franchise - mostly because it allows all my family to come together for one great evening of gaming - the past few releases in the franchise have been a bit subpar for me. They all brought their own unique spin on things - such as the 5th player option on the gamepad in Mario Party 10 on Wii U - but the inclusion of vehicles that transferred all players together at one time was a bit disappointing, and hurt the game in many areas, board creation most importantly. With a refreshed look at the franchise, can Nintendo ...

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Xenoblade Chronicles: Torna -The Golden Country Review Part 2

Check out part 1 of my review-in-progress. In part 2, I talk about Torna’s battle system. I’ve already said that its better than Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s system. Why is that? How do you improve on something that is already so good? I’m usually not a fan of auto-attacking combat but Xenoblade Chronicles 2 made their battle system very interesting by giving players options when it came to special attacks for your main person and sometimes other people in your group.…

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More Thoughts From Me #139: Final Fantasy 7 Spoilers

Final Fantasy 7 is coming to the Nintendo Switch next year. I dreamed of writing those words but I never thought it would actually happen. Final Fantasy 7 on a Nintendo platform!? Final Fantasy 7 on Nintendo’s console/handheld hybrid?! No way! Yes way. Its happening. And so I felt that now might be a good time to talk about my favorite moments of the game. If you’ve never played it before, don’t read this article. There are spoilers in this…

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna -The Golden Country Review Part 1

Adam Roffel,’s editor-in-chief, asked me if I wanted to review Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna -The Golden Country for the Nintendo Switch. I said yes right away. I had played Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and liked it. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get to play Torna though because I had been busy playing other games. I have a free slot of time now and I’m more than ready to take a trip to Torna! Here is part 1 of my…

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Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD Review-in-Progress Part 4

Before checking out this final review-in progress, please go check out part 1, part 2, and part 3. I’ve beaten Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD now. What do I think of the game? I love Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD. The story hooked me from the start. Yes, there were confusing aspects, but I liked what I understood and most of all, the friendship of the main characaters carried the story through both the good and bad parts.…

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Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD Review-in-Progress Part 3

In part 1 of my review in progress of Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD, I talked about the game’s story. In part 2, I talked about the game’s battle system and exploration. In part 3, I will talk about some of the faults of FF15 Pocket and one of my favorite things about it. Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD has bad load times. When you first start up the game, every time, there is a black screen for…

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Super Dungeon Tactics

Armed with turn-based tactical rpg gameplay, Super Dungeon Tactics invaded the Nintendo Switch last week. I have a review copy of it and I’m finally ready to let you know whether or not you should check out this game. Is Super Dungeon Tactics worth visiting? The story in Super Dungeon Tactics isn’t that great. Its very basic actually. What saves it from being boring is the game’s sense of humor! The character dialogue is pretty funny. The story and dialogue…

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Ruffles and 2k Team Up for 4 Point Line in NBA 2K19

Ever wanted to sink a shot from so far downtown, you might not even be on the basketball court anymore? Think of those viral videos of Lebron James lobbing full court shots in practice, throw in some opposition players, and a close score of 97-94, and you've got the makings of an exciting finish. Although full court shots won't be a prerequisite for scoring a 4 point shot, it does paint a nice picture, doesn't it?

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