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Nintendo Switch Categories


Assassin’s Creed Rebel Collection on Nintendo Switch

Although the latest Assassin’s Creed titles on Nintendo Switch are pretty old, Ubisoft should be heralded for bringing their older library to a console franchise that has only seen one title. Thanks to our friends at Ubisoft Canada, we were able to take a look at the Assassin’s Creed Rebel Collection, which includes Black Flag and Rogue! This is not going to be a traditional review of these two great games. If you want to read about them, we do…

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Indie World – Best Selling Games of 2019 – Nintendo Switch (Video)

What are some of the best selling indie games on the Nintendo Switch eshop? Nintendo has a new video that answers that question! I haven’t played most of the games in Nintendo’s new indie video. There are a couple I have played and really liked though, like Steamworld Quest and Wargroove! I still haven’t played Cuphead. I’m not sure if I’d like it. Yes, the graphics are excellent, but the game looks so very hard. Which of the games in…

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More Thoughts From Me #201: Ten Games I’m Looking Forward to in 2020

2019 is almost over and so of course we are all starting to think about the video games that are coming in 2020! What are you looking forward to? The following are the ten games I can’t wait to play next year! Since everyone will be able to guess what I’m looking forward to the most in 2020, especially if you’ve read this column before, I will be starting this list with #1. Here are the games I can’t wait…

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Official LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Trailer

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is coming out in 2020. A new trailer has been released for the game and you can check it out below. I love the LEGO games! LEGO Marvel 2 and LEGO DC Super-Villains were a lot of fun. Previous LEGO Star Wars games have been excellent too. In fact, dare I say it, the LEGO games get better and better with each installment. LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga should be an amazing game.…

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I Told You I Was Sick: A Look At Shadows of Adam for Nintendo Switch

I walk up to a gravestone and it says “I told you I was sick.” Welcome to the world of Shadows of Adam for the Nintendo Switch. The game is currently on sale on the Switch eshop. I bought it, played it some, and now I want to tell you why you should buy it too! Shadows of Adam isn’t a normal jrpg. Yes, it has turn-based battles, you level up, and can change gear but everything else is so…

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Trials of Mana – Character Spotlight Trailer

The Trials of Mana remake will be coming out on April 24, 2020. The original version of the game can currently be played via Collection of Mana. A new trailer for the remake is below, with some thoughts on the game. The Trials of Mana remake looks amazing. The graphics are stunning and the gameplay looks like a lot of fun. Square Enix is going to the extra mile with this remake. It looks like they are putting together a…

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Farming Simulator 20 Review

The Farming Simulator genre has been around for a long while, and it should be noted right off the top – not everybody is going to enjoy farming simulation games. If you don’t have an appreciation for farming, or have an affinity for these types of games, you likely aren’t going to instantly love this. If you do love these things, Farming Simulator 20 is a good (not great) title on the Nintendo Switch. Whether plowing, cultivating, planting, fertilizing, or…

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More Thoughts From Me #200: I’ve Written How Many Columns?!

Welcome to More Thoughts From Me #200! Yes, I’ve written two hundred columns for Games Reviews. Actually more if you count the special editions! So for today’s column I asked people to send me questions and…only one person sent me a question. I will answer that question and then answer some questions you guys and gals didn’t ask. Here we goooo! Special thanks to Shaun Edwards! You should follow him on twitter. Shaun Edwards (@twinworld) asks, “Were there any games…

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What do you get when you mix South Park’s animation style with an rpg and a card game? You may get Cardpocalypse for the Nintendo Switch! But do you get a good game? Here’s my review Cardpocalypse. Cardpocalypse is a mix of the rpg and card genres. You are Jess, a wheelchair bound girl who goes to school every day and plays a card game a lot. In fact, almost every kid at her school is addicted to the card…

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Ring Fit Adventure First Impressions

Workout games have always been hit or miss, but somehow Nintendo is always at the top when it comes to making something exhausting, fun. Whether it was the original Wii Fit, or their latest boxing game, Nintendo has a knack for creating fun, yet demanding, fitness games that are appropriate for the entire family. Ring Fit Adventure is the most ambitious project yet from the video game giant, but also the safest in my opinion. Who doesn’t love an action…

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