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Indie World Showcase 12.15.2020 (Video)

Nintendo had an Indie World Showcase video today! What was shown off? Check out the video below and then please come back here for some thoughts on today’s Indie reveals. Some good looking games were shown during the Indie World Showcase today. I wouldn’t say that this video was as mind blowing as some previous Indie showcases were but it was still pretty good. For me, the standout games in the video were Calico (out today), Spelunky 1 and 2,…

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Boot Hill Heroes

Boot Hill Heroes is the prequel to Boot Hill Bounties. According to the developer it was “originally developed and released first”. It is now on the Nintendo Switch. We previously did a review of Bounties and gave it a 9.5 out of 10. So how is Boot Hill Heroes? Boot Hill Heroes is very similar to the Boot Hill Bounties. The battle system is, in fact, exactly the same. The world is the same as the other game. The story…

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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: Disney Vs. The Game Awards

Hey, you know that Wild Game Awards predictions article I did? Turns out it was pretty wild. Not a single thing right! Also…um…I only sort of watched The Game Awards! I saw some of it. Let me explain… Last night The Game Awards aired. Also, Disney announced a ton of stuff. I mean they announced new Star Wars shows/movies, new Marvel shows/movies, new Pixar stuff, new Disney stuff. They showed trailers even! It was crazy. And they were live streaming…

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After a Bad Year for Gaming Events, The Game Awards Delivered

Blame coronavirus, undue hype or whatever – this year hasn’t been good for gaming events. There’s been plenty to be excited about, but very little that tipped into real surprise territory. Completely expected sequels, promises upon promises and not much else. That’s 2020 in a nutshell. So imagine my surprise when, just a few weeks before this awful year is finally over, a gaming event actually delivers. The stops were pulled out. Not everybody is thrilled. They were expecting Elden…

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Wild Game Awards Predictions

Its that time again: The Game Awards will air tonight! Whether you watch it on YouTube or twitch or twitter, you should check out this show. You just never know what will be revealed during the Game Awards. And really, isn’t that what we care about? Not the Awards, no never that, but the announcements! The trailers! So what will we see tonight? Here are my wild, never will these happen predictions. Real Talk: Its 2020. If we get one…

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Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 Review

Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 – a game title that deserves a Kingdom Hearts style “2.5D Ultima Super Dream Final Edition” if I’ve ever heard one. People know what Tetris is, and a good chunk of those will know what Puyo Puyo is if you explain it in Mean Bean Machine terms. It says what it is, for better or for worse. But hidden behind that slightly mystifying name is a potent mix of puzzling fun that never gets old –…

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Ubisoft Canada Has Next Generation Console Launch to Remember

New consoles are incredibly exciting. I still remember living through the many consoles launches of Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox product as a fan, and was able to be on the front-line of the New Nintendo 3DS launch, the Nintendo Switch launch, the Xbox One X launch, and now of course, the PS5 and Xbox Series X launch. Of course the hardware capabilities are incredibly important when launching a new system, but part of what determines the success of a console launch are the titles that ship alongside it. And one company shone brighter than the others.

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More Thoughts From Me #250: My Top 5 Games of the Year

The Game Awards is coming up on Thursday. I’m actually excited about the awards this year because a lot of great games are up for awards. Plus I’m hoping some cool things are revealed for next year too. So with all that said, what are my Games of the year? The Year is almost over. This is the time when we’re all thinking about our games of the year. So without further ado, here’s my top 5 games of the…

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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game Complete Edition Will Be Released in January

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World started life as a comic book. Then it was a movie and a game. And soon the game will return with Scott Pilgrim vs The World: The Game Complete Edition! We have the release date news below. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game Complete Edition will be coming out on January 14th, 2021 for Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC. The game was originally supposed to come out this holiday. Its missing…

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Animal Crossing New Horizons: A Look At December On the Island

Animal Crossing New Horizons has been out since March of this year! Wow. Sometimes it seems longer and sometimes it feels like no time at all. And now as we enter the final month of 2020, what does the game have to offer? Check out the video below and then please come back for all the reasons you should be playing Animal Crossing New Horizons in December! December is finally here! Its last month of 2020. Whew. We’ve made it!…

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