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Can consumers continue to pay the high price?

The rising price of AAA video games at Canadian retail locations is making me wonder something: how long can consumers continue to pay the high price of games? Best Buy Canada and Amazon Canada have been offering a bunch of pre-order incentives for games announced at E3 2015. With a 5-10$ discount, these retailers are charging 64.99 - 69.99; that means the regular price on these titles is 74.99 - 79.99. With a 13% sales tax in Ontario, that means a brand new AAA tilte at full cost could set back consumers 90.00, or roughly 1/5 the price of an Xbox One or PS4.

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Xbox Backwards Compatibility: Marketing Tool or Consumer Demand?

Go ahead and place me in the crowd of folks happy to see backwards compatibility come to the Xbox One. I fully believe it should have been there from the beginning, and now that it is here, my available game library has grown by a few titles. There is just one, general problem: is backwards compatibility merely a great marketing tool for Microsoft going forward, or will people take advantage of this when it launches in December?

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Batman Arkham Knight Early Impressions

The Batman games have evolved over time, and each has built on the last. In the final installment, Batman Arkham Knight, the developers over at Rocksteady Studios really brought their A game to this final installment, and it clicks on all levels.

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New PDP Products coming to Retail

If you haven't checked out our previous coverage of PDP Video Game accessories, I suggest you do it. We have looked a multiple headsets (Afterglow Universal Headset, Xbox One Afterglow Karga Headset, PS4 Afterglow Fener Headset, and the PS4 Blue Tooth Headset) as well as the Wii U Fight Pads which originally launched alongside Super Smash Bros.

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LEGO Jurassic World Early Impressions

LEGO games are generally always good, but unfortunetly, very few have been great. Jurassic World is good, but noticeably different from other LEGO titles. This is actually a really good thing, especially for people with limited time or parents with younger children.

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Elder Scrolls Online Xbox One Early Impressions

I generally hate MMO's. Let me rephrase that: I loathe MMO's. I just never saw the fun in typing to chat, spending half my game play time swapping weapons and potions, or having to find a guild to truly enjoy the game. I want to play an MMO on my own time, which sometimes is only a few hours a week. Most MMO's don't give that kind of freedom. ESO definitely does.

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We need to talk about Final Fantasy VII

So there it is. The news that many of us have been waiting for since 1997. 18 long years. Square Enix announced at E3 2015 that we are finally getting a Final Fantasy VII remake. A proper one. Not just updated graphics or shiny new cutscenes, but a full remake with new gameplay and, so we are told, new story elements to boot.

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Ubisoft Comes out Swinging with Big Titles, Big DLC

Ubisoft's press conference lacked any real surprises until near the end, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Unfortunately for them, they had a tough Microsoft press conference to live up to. I think they did fairly well, despite the lack of 'exciting' announcements.

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Holiday 2016 a long time to wait for a new Mass Effect

Mass Effect 4 was inevitable, but today Electronic Arts announced further details about the latest game in the franchise. The most unfortunate detail? The game isn't coming until Holiday 2016. Not 2015, 2016. That is nearly 18 months away.

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Oculus and Microsoft Teaming up for Virtual Reality Gaming

Before today, I had no desire to get into virtual reality gaming, or to ever buy anyone's VR peripheral. That has all changed today. At their E3 press conference, Microsoft announced a partnership with Oculus. Each and every Oculus Rift VR headsets sold will come with an Xbox One controller. Why would we need an Xbox One controller?

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