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PDP Configuration App Coming to Xbox One

Performance Design Products makes a lot of great hardware for consoles and PC, and there really isn't any beating around the bush with them: we love there stuff. Sure, we haven't praised some items as much as others, but overall, they make an excellent product. One product that I use consistently with my Xbox One is my Prismatic Afterglow Wired Xbox One Controller. With the ability to map buttons the way you want, it's the perfect alternative to the very expensive Xbox One Elite controller that Xbox released last year.

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Pokemon Remakes A Huge Success

When Nintendo announced 3DS re-releases of the original three Pokemon titles, I was fairly skeptical. After all, how desperately did Nintendo fans want to play a slightly improved – although very true to the original – Pokemon game from the early Gameboy days? Frankly, I was not sure how well these titles would catch on. A complete remake of Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow in the style of the new titles? That would have taken off like gangbusters, in my…

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The best games for solo players

Despite the impressive developments in battle arena games offering amazing multiplayer options, there are still many gamers who prefer to keep things a little more solitary.

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DLC coming to SteamWorld Heist April 28

SteamWorld Heist developers Image & Form announced today that new content will be coming to their smash hit on the 3DS tomorrow, April 28th. The Outsider will feature a new character, new bosses, environments, hats, weapons, and...well just more of basically everything. If you have played SteamWorld Heist, you will realize that this is a VERY good thing!

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More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: This Isn’t The End of Nintendo

  Today, Nintendo announced some news about the next Nintendo system (codenamed the NX), news about the upcoming the Legend of Zelda game, E3, mobile, and earnings news too. And of course Nintendo fans are panicking and trying to tell you that this is the end of Nintendo. Here are my thoughts in today’s first More Thoughts From Me Special Edition. Hey you, the one about to write a tweet about how Nintendo is doomed because they are not showing…

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Uncharted 4 Shipment Stolen

Uncharted 4 is going to be wildly popular, there is no doubt about it. In fact, I know individuals who purchased a Playstation 4 for the sole purpose of playing the latest Uncharted title. Unfortunately, new leaked yesterday that the street date of May 10th had been broken; this story was later clarified to note that a shipment had been stolen, as opposed to someone at retail making a gross mistake.

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Hitman: Episode 2

You if look back on our original Hitman Prologue and Episode 1 review, you will find a constant theme. This game has a huge wow factor that not many games pull off. Hitman, at least this time around - previous games in the franchise pale in comparison - has done a brilliant job of combining stealth, strategy, and assassination.

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More Thoughts From Me #16: A Whole Lot of Disney

I’m a Disney fan. I won’t claim that I like everything Disney does, but I like a bunch of what they do. And one of my favorite things they did was with Square Enix. I’m talking about Kingdom Hearts of course. Specifically I’m talking about Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. If you ever want to play a love letter to Disney fans, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 are for you! Lets take a trip down Disney memory lane. There is…

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Xseed Corpse Party Launches on PC

If you want to talk about interesting titles, look no further than the latest release from XSeed, Corpse Party. "Corpse Party, is now available worldwide for Windows PC on Steam, GOG, and the Humble Store by Humble Bundle with exclusive content and features. Originally developed as an independent title by Team GrisGris, and previously released for the PSP, Corpse Party is a chilling visual novel-style experience that takes players on a terrifying journey where each step could be their last."

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Gears of War 4 is Incredibly Expensive. Is it worth it?

The pricing numbers for Gears of War 4 were announced this week, and yike! It is going to be expensive. According to Microsoft of Canada, the price of the standard edition in Canada will be 79.99 with the ultimate edition - the standard edition plus the season pass - will sell for 129.99. As a standalone, the season pass will cost 69.99. Obviously, all of these figures are Canadian. While Gears of War 4 is likely to be a big hit on Xbox later this year - the beta went surprisingly well in my opinion - is the entire package going to be worth 129.99?! I'm ...

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