Nintendo isn't known for branching out and trying new things. They milk their franchises, and not in a bad way. While many companies tend to produce shovelware, where the brand sells the game rather than the gameplay itself, Nintendo almost always brings AAA experiences to the table. With Hyrule Warriors, however, Nintendo has done something unprecedented for the company: they handed one of their most important franchises to another company to use. While my skepticism of this title was off the charts, I was intrigued during an E3 event in Toronto and was sold ...
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Infamous First Light Review
Infamous First Light puts you in the shoes of Abigail Walker, aka Fetch, one of, if not the most interesting characters from InFamous Second Son. It takes you through the events that led up to Fetch's role in the third game of the franchise, something largely unexplored in the base game's plot.
Read MoreGlobal Outbreak Doomsday Edition Review
Global Outbreak Doomsday Edition is another mobile port that was free for phones and tablets, but now you can pay real money for the privilege of having it on your PC. At least it’s much better than most mobile games that find their way to Steam.
Read MoreThe Last of Us: Remastered Review
The Last of Us: Remastered is another entry in Sony’s HD remaster collection – started back in 2009 with the God of War Collection. The only difference with developer Naughty Dog’s own take on HD re-releases is that The Last of Us is only a year old, and the first tangible re-release on Sony’s PlayStation 4.
Read MoreThe Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review
Batman might have ruined the superhero genre for us. While that type of title has never been especially strong on the whole, Arkham Asylum and its sequels proved that it could be done. So why are Activision still relying almost entirely on a format that's been basically unchanged since Spider-man 2 ten years ago? The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is another film tie-in that falls short of expectation, but it's the Spidey-by-Numbers feel that is the most surprising.
Read MoreGround Zeroes Jamais Vu Review
If there was one complaint about Ground Zeroes, it was its size. Despite the fact that you could easily spend tens of hours exploring that little base off the coast of Cuba, it was quite samey and, ultimately, failed to hold all but the most dedicated of Metal Gear fans to its 100% completion.
Read MoreDaylight Review
Daylight is a survival horror game that is procedurally generated, creating a new experience each time you play, however, while rooms and location of items change, the experience doesn’t feel entirely “new.” Daylight has some concepts that were promising but failed to deliver in terms of content and variety.
Read MoreGoat Simulator Review
Goat Simulator is wacky, which is distinctly different to funny. Sure, it provides a certain amount of amusement, like only a goat strapped to a rocket can, but the amount of laughs you'll be having are minimal. Mostly you'll just ask yourself why you bought a game called Goat Simulator in the first place, probably while you complain about glitches and disfigured farm animals.
Read MoreinFamous Second Son Review
When playing inFamous Second Son, I received a deluge of visual satisfaction. Sucker Punch’s third attempt at its superhero series is a great showcase of PlayStation 4’s technical prowess. Particle effects galore, a breathtakingly gorgeous open-world, and great facial animations make Second Son the best looking PS4 game by a mile. But for all of Sucker Punch’s technical advancements, the game’s storytelling failed to meet the same type of improvements.
Read MoreBioshock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2 Review
Bioshock Infinite was fairly unique in that it was entirely self-contained with room for discussion, but with plenty of opportunity for DLC. The idea of multiple universes isn't a new one, and it always opens itself up to certain issues, but it did mean that Booker and Elizabeth could end up appearing almost anywhere. So, of course, they ended up back in the underwater city of Rapture. It was an easy way of impressing fans, but it's questionable whether that managed to pay off.
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