Nintendo will have a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch) Direct on Tuesday. Check out the picture below for details and please read my thoughts on the Nintendo Direct. The Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Direct will start at 6 a.m. PT, which is 9 am eastern/8 am central. We already know a lot about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for Nintendo Switch, so I’m not sure what new information Tuesday’s Nintendo Direct will give us. New characters? New locations? New plot points? We’ll just…
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Fire Emblem Warriors Review
Please check out part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4 of my week long coverage of Fire Emblem Warriors. Today, I want to give you my final review of the game. What did I think of Fire Warriors? Is it a great tribute to the Fire Emblem franchise? Will fans and non-fans alike embrace the game? Lets find out! Fire Emblem Warrior’s story is very much the same type of story we’ve seen in previous games of the…
Read MoreAcross the Morphite Universe
You land on a planet in a pod, take out your scanner and innocently analyze plants, wild life, and other stuff. Then some random creature sees you and decides to attack. Do you take out your pistol and waste ammo on this random creature or do you try to run away? You could also just scan the creature and let it maul you to death while you do so. Its your choice. Welcome to the Morphite universe. You’ll explore it,…
Read MoreLEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 – Thor Trailer
Thor: Ragnarok is coming to theaters this Friday. Also coming this month is Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2! So, of course, the Lego people would want to have some kind of Thor crossover in their game right? RIGHT! Check out the new Lego Marvel 2 trailer below and then please come back for my impressions of it. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, much like Thor: Ragnarok, looks better and better with each trailer I see. This new trailer for Lego…
Read MoreUnbox: Newbie’s Adventure Review
What if there were no people in the world? What if the world was made of talking boxes? And what if those boxes sent off some newbie box to stop some crazy boxes that were running amok? This is the premise of a game called Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure and its for the Nintendo Switch! Is this a good game, an alright game, or should it be boxed up and put outside with the trash? The story for Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #92: Happy Halloween!
Its Halloween again! I’m not sure if I mentioned this, I may have, but Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love candy, first of all, but I also love the spookiness of Halloween. I really like spooky movies, with vampires and werewolves and all that stuff. I do like some zombie stuff. I am a fan of The Walking Dead! Most of all, I just love this time of year. And I always find time to play some spooky game…
Read MoreAssassin’s Creed Origins Recreates Egypt in Fascinating Ways
One of the better features of Assassin's Creed Origins is to snap photos around the world of Ancient Egypt and share them with friends. While you begin exploring the world and consulting your map to see which outposts and camps you might have missed, you are bound to see a number of photo icons dotting your map. Those are not objective, but simply photos taken by others that you can look at. After spending about a half hour last night looking at a bunch of these photos, I realized on thing: Assassin's Creed Origins looks fantastic!
Read MoreSuper Mario Odyssey Review
Every Nintendo Generation as of late has had an epic Super Mario adventure - 2 on the Wii! - so when Nintendo announces a Mario title, you assume it's the only one you'll get in the generation. Super Mario 64 on Nintendo 64, Super Mario Sunshine on GameCube, a pair of Super Mario Galaxy titles on Wii, Super Mario 3D World on Wii U, and now the pinnacle of them all: Super Mario Odyssey on Nintendo Switch. Odyssey spans the history of the whole series, from the 80s to today. And it is so, so good!
Read MoreExploring the Sky for Medallions: A Look at Poi Explorer Edition for Nintendo Switch
3D platformers are very popular right now, just look at Unbox Newbie’s Adventure, Yookai-Layee (on its way to Switch), and of course Super Mario Odyssey. Another platformer just came out recently and you may have missed it. Poi Explorer Edition for Nintendo Switch is from Alliance Digital Media and developer PolyKid. Alliance Digital Media provided for a review code for the game. I have been playing it and while my review isn’t ready yet, I wanted to provide our…
Read MoreAssassin’s Creed Origins: Autopilot and Senu
There are a number of things you can do in Assassin's Creed Origins that are never actually spelled out for you, and you'll need to learn to do it on your own. Some of these things are fairly minor and obvious, such as dipping your arrow in a fire to set it ablaze. Others, however, are not as obvious, and if it wasn't for all the good people on Twitter, I might have never known this was an option. I call it the Autopilot and Senu Scope technic, and it has changed the way I play Origins!
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