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Wii U


#Nindies Get Ready to Jam In September And Beyond

The Wii U has been home to many indie games since the system came out. The 3DS has also been home to some cool indies too. But Nindies, as Nintendo indies have been nicknamed, are only getting started this year! Nintendo released a press release and a trailer today showing off Nindies that are coming next month through December. Its a very impressive list! We have Nintendo’s press release, the trailer, and my thoughts on the Nindies below. We have…

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Twisted Fusion Wii U Has Been Announced For Early October

Developer Leuvsion announced on twitter today that their game Twisted Fusion (Wii U) will be coming out in October. I remember hearing about this game years ago but haven’t thought about it in awhile. The developer did bring a Twisted Fusion X Blok Drop U crossover game to the Wii U and it was pretty good. Soon we’ll get to see if Twisted Fusion itself will live up to all the time and work that the developer has put into…

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SteamWorld Collection & Hat Winners Video

I love Steamworld Dig and Steamworld Heist. Image & Form has created two really good games that I could just play over and over again. And soon both of those games will be released to retail stores on one disc via the SteamWorld Collection! The collection will be on the Wii U and Playstation 4. We have a new video from Image & Form talking about the collection, some hat winners, and of course more of me drooling over this…

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Jotun: Valhalla Edition Gets Release Dates For Wii U, PS4, and Xbox One

Nintendo didn’t reveal a lot of new games at E3, but one of the things they did do was help to reveal a couple of new indie games for the Wii U. Jotun: Valhalla Edition was one of those games. And today, a release date was given for the Wii U version and versions for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One too! Jotun: Valhalla Edition will be coming to the Wii U on September 8th. It will come to the…

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Word Logic by POWGI Review

Back during E3, I played a demo of Word Logic by POWGI. I thought that the game was very hard, but also very interesting. And now the game is coming to the Wii U and 3DS on Thursday. Lightwood Games provided me a copy of both versions and here are my final thoughts on the game!

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Yooka-Layee Gamescom Trailer

Gamescom has started in Germany and while not a lot of news comes out of the convention (its not E3), there are occasionally some cool things that appear out of the event! One such cool thing is a new trailer of the upcoming indie game Yooka-Layee. The game is being made by Playtonic Games, a company made up of former Rare (Donkey Kong Country 1-3 for SNES) employees. We won’t be seeing the game till next year, but this new…

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Armikrog Brings A Unique Claymation Experience to Wii U Next Week

Armikrog is a game thats been in the back of my mind for awhile now. With no release date, I just had to put the game aside, but I never forgot about it! How can I not be interested in this game? How could anyone not be interested in it? Armikrog is a point & click game with unique Claymation/stop motion graphics! The game looks so neat and interesting. And the game is finally heading to the Wii U next…

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Splatoon Testfire Demo Returns This Month

Splatoon has been out for awhile now. Many people who have a Wii U have bought it, but not everyone. I’m not sure why not honestly. Splatoon is one of the best games on the system! If you are one of the people who still hasn’t bought the game, well, you’ll have a chance to try out the game soon. The Splatoon Testfire demo, which came out before the game and has been resurrected since, will be back online this…

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Axiom Verge Will Arrive On Wii U in September

When I first saw Axiom Verge, I just thought it was a Metroid clone. The game didn’t impress me at all. I wasn’t excited about the game coming to Wii U either. Why do we need Axiom Verge when we have Super Metroid? Recently though, I saw another trailer of the game and thought it looked good. Maybe I was wrong about Axiom Verge. Of course, none of knew when the game was coming out for Wii U, so there…

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Nintendo is Going to Gamescom 2016 And Here’s Their Lineup For the Event

Nintendo will be appearing at Gamescom 2016! The event takes place later this month. We have the info on their complete game lineup for the event, plus some thoughts from me. Gamescom 2016 is right around the corner and Nintendo will be there. We have the complete lineup of games that will appear at the event. Here they are (from Nintendo Everything): ” 3DS Mario Party: Star Rush Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten…

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