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Watch Dogs Should Run Well on Almost Any PC

Got a gaming PC? Good news then: Ubisoft's upcoming Watch Dogs should run fairly well for you. It's a decent looking game, but you're not going to need a super powerful rig to get it running. No, it's playable on 'ultra' settings with a Geforce 670 - a decent card but hardly high end.

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Child of Light Review

When playing Child of Light, I felt a bit melancholic. Ubisoft Montreal’s own unique take on the RPG genre elicits a sense of somberness throughout its, roughly, 10-hour adventure. Though it doesn’t sport a complex or even original story, the way it is told is Child of Light’s best strength. By using the UbiArt engine that was created for Rayman Origins several years ago, Ubisoft Montreal is able to perfectly concoct a classic fairy tale experience.

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Ubisoft Didn’t Interfere in Child of Light Development

It's a well believed idea that major publishers hate originality and that they'll take a direct hand in development if they don't like the direction a game is going. While that may well happen, Child of Light writer Jeffrey Yohalem was surprised to find Ubisoft was nothing but supportive of his fairy tale RPG.

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Child of Light “Only the Tip” of Journey through Lemuria, Sequel Possible

Child of Light was absolutely gorgeous, an RPG that so nicely integrated "indie" stylisation to create an adventure that was both memorable and beautiful. There's good news for those that finished its rather short journey and are hungry for more: there's plenty of potential for the future of Lemuria.

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Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Sells 10 Million

Assassin's Creed will always be a top seller. It's simple-to-play basis and its constant location and cast refreshes mean that only those that stray beyond the 10 hour story manage to get entirely bored. As a result, the latest in the franchise, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, has hit a milestone: it's sold over 10 million units. It took a little while longer than its predecessor, but those that felt the series would find itself face down in the hay after Assassin's Creed III were definitely wrong.

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Far Cry 4 Coming 2015, Set in Himalayas

Eurogamer have leaked information on the next Far Cry game, confirming that it'll be very similar to Far Cry 3 but set in a snowier region. Far Cry 4 has been no secret, and was revealed by Ubisoft almost as soon as Far Cry 3 was released, although specific details have yet to be released. With this new leak, we've learnt an awful lot about the next title in the franchise, including when we're likely to catch out first glimpse.

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Ubisoft Confirms Assassin’s Creed Unity

The other day we posted screens from a brand new Assassin's Creed set during the French Revolution. Called Assassin's Creed Unity, the game is exclusive to new-gen consoles, and the video below apparently shows in-game visuals. It's possible, although don't get your hopes up, that what we're seeing here will actually be what you see when you start playing.

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Assassin’s Creed Freerunning to France

An Ubisoft leak courtesy of Kotaku seems to imply that at least part of the next Assassin's Creed game will take place in France, at least in part. This isn't just yet another location rumour though - this one comes with pictures. Despite the fact that it's obvious this is a game in development, these Parisian landmarks actually look rather good.

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Watch Dogs Release Date Revealed

Watch Dogs was delayed at the end of last year, rather unceremoniously confusing the next-gen launch for countless people that had pre-ordered bundles. The game that many thought would define next-gen was knocked back without a specific release date to expect it, and since then we've been waiting for more news.

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South Park The Stick of Truth Review

There have been a lot of South Park games over the last two decades and they've all be leading up to The Stick of Truth. Never before has there been a game that so accurately captures the show, both in construction, visuals and attitude. It's been a long time since we were fighting killer turkeys with snowballs, or answering questions with Chef, but those of us who've been burned before definitely need to take a second look.

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