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It’ll Only Take A Second (Or More): Bravely Second Thoughts

I don’t like Bravely Default. I started out liking the game, but later, I felt like the game was too padded and not satisfying at all. And yet, I can’t help being interested in Bravely Second. Its very rare for Square Enix to do a turn-based rpg anymore. Here are my thoughts on Bravely Second and some recently released footage for the game.   I want to be excited for Bravely Second. The recent footage looks great, especially the job…

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Legends of Eisenwald Review

Eisenwald is a magical medieval world that is filled to the brim with those searching for power and status. Exploring that world through quests driven by motivations of status and money, players of the newly released Legends of Eisenwald are treated to a game offering intricate story and in-depth world exploration. Released in July of 2015, the game was published and developed by the company Aterdux Entertainment. Aterdux had previously only released one other game named Discord Times, which was essentially the blueprint of the structure of game that ...

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Code Name S.T.E.A.M. Review

What you find in Code Name S.T.E.A.M*. is not your usual London. Instead, you'll find a London powered by steam, full of aliens and...Abraham Lincoln? Yup, this iconic America hero, as well as many other real and fictional characters, all team up to rid London of the nasty alien pests; while this sounds completely wacky - which it is - it also works really well, making it one of the best turn based games I've played in a long time.

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