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No Man’s Sky: A Calming Experience

If you've had the pleasure of playing Subnautica, Ark, or a host of other survival titles, you know how tense and stressful they can be. In Ark for example, no matter where you decide to set up shop and lay down some roots, you always need to be aware of predatory

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We Happy Few Preview

We Happy Few from a small developer in Montreal has a project on the go that is definitly bigger than the company itself. And good on them for pushing the limits. I’ve only spent a few hours with We Happy Few since receiving our code from the PR company, but damn it, it’s a pretty good experience. There is nothing shockingly new about the formula for this title; like most ‘survival’ games, you escape something, must get somewhere, and perhaps…

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Spirits of Xanadu Review

Xanadu is an abandoned space ship littered with blood trails, cryptic audio logs, murderous robots, and intense mystery surrounding the events that have taken place there. Originally a research ship orbiting a strange planet, there has been no contact with the crew for months, and one single operative has been sent in to investigate and hopefully bring them home. Acting as this lone investigator, the player navigates their way through this shadowy and terrifying ship trying to find answers while avoiding the many enemies lurking in the dark hallways. A ...

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