The Tokyo Game Show is going on now and we can expect some game announcements and new trailers to be shown. Square Enix has already shown a few new trailers, including another look at World of Final Fantasy Maxima! Check the new trailer out below and then please come back for my thoughts on it. I really like the look of World of Final Fantasy. The bigger characters look like the human characters from Kingdom Hearts, meanwhile the smaller characters…
Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD First Impressions
When Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD was announced for the Nintendo Switch, I was excited. I liked the look of the graphics, the story, and the gameplay. I really wanted to check this game out. And thanks to Square Enix, we received a review copy of FF15 Pocket for the Switch and I’m playing it. Here are my first impressions of the game. I’ve never played Final Fantasy 15 before. So you won’t see in comparisons between the original …
Read MoreValkyria Chronicles 4 Review
As a novice to the Valkyria Chronicles franchise, I wasn't sure what to expect when booting up my first experience. From friends in the industry, the original Valkyria Chronicles was very good, followed up by some lackluster - and even downright terrible - releases and rereleases, across almost all platforms. When my colleague Daniel Fugate reviewed the demo on Nintendo Switch, my interest was peaked, and I decided to take the plunge, thanks to our good friends at SEGA. How good is Valkyria Chronicles 4, and can you jump in without playing the original games ...
Read MoreFinal Fantasy is Coming to the Nintendo Switch In A Big Way
Thanks to Square Enix announcing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD early, we knew about these games already. However, Square Enix did not stop with those game announcements… A bunch of Final Fantasy games are coming to the Switch! Along with Crystal Chronicles and Pocket Edition HD (OUT TODAY), we will be getting World of Final Fantasy Maxima on November 6th. And Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy! will be coming this year too. Then next…
Read MoreNintendo Direct (9/13/18)
We had our Nintendo Direct today and…well, the Direct is below and I have some thoughts on it too! The Nintendo Direct today was amazing. Let me repeat that. It was amazing. I will have a More Thoughts From Me next week about it, but I just want to give you some thoughts on a few of my favorite things from the Direct. First of all….ANIMAL CROSSING. NINTENDO SWITCH. 2019. Yes, caps were neccessary. I love Animal Crossing. I am…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #136: Dear @DragonQuest
I have been playing Dragon Quest 8 a bit lately. I’ve also been playing Dragon Quest Builders. Not Dragon Quest 11 though, since I don’t have a Playstation 4 (sigh). And there is one thing thats been bothering me. I just had to talk about this. So the following is an open letter to the Dragon Quest twitter account and to all the new Dragon Quest fans! Dear @DragonQuest, Something has been bothering me lately. No its not my lack…
Read MoreSuper Dungeon Tactics Launch Trailer
Super Dungeon Tactics comes out for the Nintendo Switch this week. Check out the launch trailer below. Super Dungeon Tactics comes to the Nintendo Switch eshop on September 13th! We will have a preview for this game on the 13th and hopefully a review of the game next week! Please stay tuned to…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition Announced for the Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch
The Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles franchise premiered on the Nintendo Gamecube. The original game supported local multiplayer, but other players had to have their own GBA systems in order to play it. This first game in the series has been a Gamecube exclusive…until now! The first Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is returning in a remastered edition for the Nintendo Switch and Playstation 4 in 2019. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition has been announced for the Playstation 4 and Nintendo…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD Announced for Nintendo Switch
The Mega Man 11 demo wasn’t the only surprise we received last night. Square Enix released a trailer showing off Final Fantasy 15 Pocket Edition HD and at the end of the trailer…the game was announced for the Switch (its out now for PS4 and Xbox One). Here’s the trailer for the game and after that, there’s some thoughts from me. I’ve never played Final Fantasy 15. I don’t have an Xbox One or a Playstation 4. I have seen…
Read MoreInto the Breach Preview
When I saw Into the Breach on the recent Nindie Nintendo Direct, I knew I wanted to review it. I love turn-based tactical games, plus Into the Breach just looked really neat. Thankfully, the developer provided me with a Nintendo Switch review code for the game. I’ve had a couple of days to play it and now want to provide you with some impressions. How is Into the Breach so far? Into the Breach came out on the Nintendo Switch…
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