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Woven Review

Games like Yoshi’s Woolly World, Crafted World, and LittleBigPlanet have created colorful, kid friendly worlds that also appeal to some adults. So of course there would be others that wish to do games that would have similar bright and colorful worlds. Woven for the Nintendo Switch is such a game. But is it a good game? Woven isn’t a game for little kids. Its graphics and its rhyming  narrator make it look like a game for kids but its gameplay…

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Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns Now Available On Nintendo Switch

I played Puzzle Quest on the DS via Challenge of the Warlords for DSiWare and liked it a lot! And now Challenge of the Warlords is back, with a lot of additional content, for the Nintendo Switch. Puzzle Quest: The Legend Returns is available now on the Nintendo Switch eshop. I had a lot of fun playing Challenge of the Warlords on the DS. I love Puzzle Quest’s mix of rpg and puzzle game. And now its back! Puzzle Quest:…

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More Thoughts From Me #186: Super Nintendo Meets the Switch

I was going to write Batman: Arkham Knight for this entry of More Thoughts. Then I discovered…I did not like Batman: Arkham Knight. So instead of complaining about a game I didn’t like, I thought I’d talk about SNES games on the Switch. We have them now. 20 games were launched last week! What do I think of them? Twenty Super Nintendo (SNES) games came to the Nintendo Switch last week. Nintendo Online members can download a SNES app to…

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Wordsweeper by POWGI

By now, it should be no surprise to regular readers of that I enjoy Word games. I especially enjoy the Word games that Lightwood Games put out. And so when a new Word game by this wonderful developer comes out, I find that I must review it. Wordsweeper by POWGI is coming out this week! Is it another good game from Lightwood Games? Wordsweeper by POWGI is a hard game to explain. The in-game tutorial doesn’t do a good…

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Concrete Genie Draws Its Way Onto the Playstation 4 in October

Are you looking for another exclusive Playstation 4 game to play soon? Then you should be keeping an eye on Concrete Genie! Sony announced today that the game is coming to the system in October! Concrete Genie will be out for the Playstation on October 8th, 2019. The graphics in this game look very good but its absolutely the gameplay that really blows my mind. In Concrete Genie you play as a street artist who draws things on walls and…

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Word Wheel by POWGI

Lightwood Games has a history of making cool word puzzle games. They’ve been doing some non-word puzzle games lately though. So when I heard they had a new Word game coming to the Switch, I got excited! Is Word Wheel by POWGI for the Nintendo Switch worth that excitement? Lets find out! Word Wheel by POWGI is the first new word puzzle game that Lightwood games has done in awhile. And you know what? They have not lost their groove…

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Warlock’s Tower

The Gameboy had some pretty cool puzzle games, such as Tetris, and it had some that have been forgotten. Warlock’s Tower feels like a game that could’ve been on the Gameboy, instead its on the Switch. Do I mean that in a good way or is Warlock’s Tower too much of a throwback? Here is my review of Warlock’s Tower for the Nintendo Switch. Warlock’s Tower seems like a really simple action puzzle game at first. Its graphics do not…

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More Thoughts From Me #171: My Horrible Nintendo E3 2019 Predictions

I don’t want any of the following predictions to actually happen. I would be very upset if they happened. So why am writing this? Why post horrible predictions like this? Because every year I try to predict Nintendo and I’m wrong. So this year, boy do I hope I’m wrong, but this could be Nintendo’s E3 2019… It is June 11th at 11am central time. Nintendo E3 2019 is about to start… The Switch logo appears. Nintendo shows off Nintendo…

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Making Friends with Nindies Developers!!! Spring 2019 (Video)

The co-host of the recent Switch Indie Showcase, Katie Casper, recently talked to the developers of some of those upcoming games. Check out the video below to see what happened! Some of these indie games look really! I’m especially interested in Cuphead and possibly Creature in the Well. Which of these indie games are you interested in?…

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More Thoughts From Me #166: Too Many Sswitch Games in April

What do Steamworld Quest, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Cuphead, Final Fantasy 12, and Darksiders Warmastered Edition all have in common? They are all coming to (or already out on) the Nintendo Switch this month!! April is a crazy month for the Nintendo Switch. What are the games I’m looking forward to, what are the games I’ll have skip, and should we expect any more surprise games for this month?! April is here and there are…way too many games coming to the…

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