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New PS4 OS Screens Underwhelm Some Fans

The new set of PlayStation 4 OS screens snuck out very quietly via Flickr, so quietly it took a short while for pictures to begin to show up in the press. Now with a little over two days spent picking them apart, the verdict is in: the new operating system is disappointing to some, and a lot of people seem unhappy.

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PlayStation Summer Sale Coming Soon

A representative of Sony has confirmed that the PlayStation summer sale will be unveiled very shortly. Next week, in fact, although the sale itself may begin a little later. If you've been suffering from a bit of a withdrawal since the Steam sale ended earlier this week, there's a silver lining. The PlayStation summer sale will no doubt offer some of the best games on the PlayStation platform at a ridiculously good price. Although nothing ever drops as far as it might on PC, there's always one or two things that are worth picking up.

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Sony handing out 10 days PS Plus free

Have you checked your email recently? Sony is now handing out 10 day trials of the immensely popular PlayStation Plus subscription service absolutely free.

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PS1 and PS2 Games Will Come to Gaikai

Sony have by and large been quiet on Gaikai. It exists and will stream games - only PS3 games have been expressly confirmed so far - but that's about it. Which games, how you'll access them, if you'll need to pay again if you already own said game and whether it'll be a service exclusively for PS3 games has yet to be answered. Until today. Sony have today confirmed that legacy PlayStation titles will hopefully be making their way to the Gaikai service on PlayStation 4 some time after launch.

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Counting down to Playstation at E3

A countdown timer has been added to the Official Playstation site counting down to when the tech giant takes to the stage at this year's E3. The conference is set to begin at 6pm local time (Los Angeles) on Monday evening. Those of you in Europe will need to stay up late to watch the show. 2am in UK/Ireland or 3am in Central Europe.

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PS4 images leaked

Dutch website PSX-Sense has recently received an anonymous tip which includes the teaser trailer for the PS4, persumably intended to be showcased at E3 next month. Within the 44 second trailer the PS4 is clearly shown from multiple angles. Sexy, sleak and extremely stylish as you’d expect from the Sony giant. As of yet nobody knows for sure if said video is real or fake although it does look to be very polished, professional and official. See below for screenshots…

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