Super Mario 64 reinvented a genre by creating a very open world 3D platformer. Gamers had never seen a platformer so big and fully explorable. Nintendo had created something new and interesting with the Mario franchise. Flash-forward to the Nintendo Switch and all the new 3D platformers want to be like Mario 64. Take, for instance, Poi Explorer Edition, which just came out for the Switch. There is a lot of Mario 64 in Poi’s DNA. But does Poi do…
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More Thoughts From Me #93: Mario’s Best Game Yet
Super Mario Odyssey is out now and if you have Switch and you are not playing it, what the heck is wrong with you?! Seriously! You are missing out on the best Nintendo Switch game and the best Mario game yet! I never thought Nintendo would be able to make a better Mario game than Super Mario Maker, but they have really done it with Super Mario Odyssey. I barely think about Super Mario Maker anymore. Build my own 2D…
Read MoreUnbox: Newbie’s Adventure Review
What if there were no people in the world? What if the world was made of talking boxes? And what if those boxes sent off some newbie box to stop some crazy boxes that were running amok? This is the premise of a game called Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure and its for the Nintendo Switch! Is this a good game, an alright game, or should it be boxed up and put outside with the trash? The story for Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure…
Read MoreExploring the Sky for Medallions: A Look at Poi Explorer Edition for Nintendo Switch
3D platformers are very popular right now, just look at Unbox Newbie’s Adventure, Yookai-Layee (on its way to Switch), and of course Super Mario Odyssey. Another platformer just came out recently and you may have missed it. Poi Explorer Edition for Nintendo Switch is from Alliance Digital Media and developer PolyKid. Alliance Digital Media provided for a review code for the game. I have been playing it and while my review isn’t ready yet, I wanted to provide our…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #90: Mario’s Odyssey is Almost Here
The Nintendo Switch has had a really big first year: a Zelda game, tons of great Indies, third party games (Skyrim!), and coming very soon: a 3D Mario game! Super Mario Odyssey comes out this month and it could very be the biggest and best to come out for Switch this year. That a pretty bold statement too when you think of Breath of Wild and all the great Indies and third games like Skyrim (not even out yet but…
Read MoreUnpacking Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure
3D platformers are the “in” thing again and so we’ve been seeing a lot more of them than we have of 2D platformers. Sure, 2D platformers are still “in” but you have to be called Shovel Knight or Steamworld to really make a huge go of it. People want 3D platformers now and they are getting them. The newest of the 3D platformers to come to the Nintendo Switch is Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure. I am playing the game for review,…
Read MoreMutant Mudds Collection Will Be Coming to the Nintendo Switch This Year
Mutant Mudds has to be one of the hardest platformers I’ve ever played. And it got even harder with the Super Challenge! If you’ve never played Mutant Mudds (either one) or just want to play it again, well, you’ll get your chance when the game(s) comes to the Nintendo Switch this year. We have the details and a trailer below. Mutant Mudds Collection will be coming to the Nintendo Switch this year. There is no specific release date for the…
Read MoreMetroid: Samus Returns Review
If you haven’t, please check out my Metroid: Samus Returns reviews-in-progress part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. Today, I want to provide you with my full final review of Metroid: Samus Returns for the 3DS. Will Metroid fans love this game? If you’ve never played a Metroid game before, would this game be easy to get into? I’ll answer those questions while also, of course, letting you know if the game is good or not. Story has…
Read MoreSteamworld Dig 2 Review
Image & Form are one of the best Indie developers that create games for Nintendo Systems. So when they announced Steamworld Dig 2 for Nintendo Switch, I had no doubt that the game would be good. I just had to wonder how good it would be? Would the game be better than Steamworld Dig? Would it be better than Steamworld Heist? Better than both?
Read MoreSuper Mario Odyssey Is the Mario I’ve Wanted
During the days of the Nintendo Wii, people could not get enough of the original Mario Galaxy, prompting Nintendo to do something they've rarely ever done with 3D Mario titles: release a sequel! Unfortunately for me, neither Mario Galaxy or Mario Galaxy 2 hit that sweet spot for me like Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine did. In fact, nothing Nintendo has released for Mario has brought me back mentally to the days of the Gamecube and Nintendo 64. Super Mario Odyssey is about to change that in a big way for me, and I cannot wait!
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