Reports are coming in that the Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Collection will be delayed into 2014 for at least the US territory. Square Enix representatives have told multiple visitors to their booth at PAX that the long awaited JRPG set will be available next year. As of writing, there's no official confirmation, the EU press site still has it labelled as 2013 and so, of course, there's no explanation as to where this delay has suddenly come from.
Read MoreFinal Fantasy
Final Fantasy X HD Has 60 Rearranged Tracks, New Menus
Some new information has been released about the upcoming re-release of Final Fantasy X for PS3. If you'd wanted to know why it's taken so long for "just" a remaster to get onto our consoles, this might have something to do with it.
Read MoreFinal Fantasy VII Web Series Takes to Kickstarter
We’ve all seen a live action project of Final Fantasy VII somewhere on the internet, but this one is asking for your help to make it the best. Shinra Productions LLC have launched a Kickstarter for their project called Final Fantasy VII: The Web Series. The Kickstarter describes it as “…a fan project dedicated to bringing the characters, events, and excitement seen in the iconic videogame Final Fantasy VII into a live-action web series.” The series’ first season will consist…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy VII Speed Runner narrowly missed out on World Record
A Final Fantasy VII speed runner this morning missed out on the world record by only a few minutes. After a few random attacks cost him minutes during his run, he finally died in one of the final boss battles and he was forced to give up. It had taken him only a little over seven and a half hours to get there.
Read MoreIs Lightning Coming to Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD?
A page on the Square Enix website has people asking whether Final Fantasy XIII’s Lightning might just end up making a cameo appearance in the newly remastered Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD. The Final Fantasy Go There page (which seems like a 30 Rock joke, I know) describes several of the crossovers coming to upcoming Final Fantasy titles. Already mentioned are Lightning Returns and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, both of which have bonus cameo costumes. The final picture shows…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy X HD Comparison Video Released
Square Enix and PlayStation have released a Final Fantasy X HD comparison video showcasing the differences between the PS2 and PS3 versions of Final Fantasy X. Showing off the introduction, you'll see clearer character models, better lighting and textures and more screen real estate.
Read MoreFinal Fantasy VII Steam Review
Final Fantasy VII is a classic. Its story, its score, its mechanics - for many this was the game that defined what RPGs should be. With another re-release, this time on Steam, Square Enix proves time is no barrier to a decent game, although a little polish might serve to get rid of the dust.
Read MoreLightning Returns, and She’s Not Alone
Lightning Returns, as do a number of her allies from previous games. They won't all be on her side this time around though...
Read MoreFinal Fantasy VII Available on Steam
Final Fantasy VII has finally made its way to Steam. For those that want to add one of the greatest RPGs of all time to their library, now's the chance.
Read MoreFinal Fantasy X|X-2 HD Comes with a new 30 Minute Episode
According to the latest issue of Jump, the Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Collection comes with a brand new 30 minute episode. No information has been revealed so far (or at least, nothing has made it to an English translation), aside from the fact that it’s being written by Nojima and that it’ll last half an hour. There are several presumptions that it’s fair to make: the original voice actors almost certainly should return, the new clip will take place after…
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