Hey, you know that Wild Game Awards predictions article I did? Turns out it was pretty wild. Not a single thing right! Also…um…I only sort of watched The Game Awards! I saw some of it. Let me explain… Last night The Game Awards aired. Also, Disney announced a ton of stuff. I mean they announced new Star Wars shows/movies, new Marvel shows/movies, new Pixar stuff, new Disney stuff. They showed trailers even! It was crazy. And they were live streaming…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy
More Thoughts From Me Special Edition: Disney Vs. The Game Awards
Wild Game Awards Predictions
Its that time again: The Game Awards will air tonight! Whether you watch it on YouTube or twitch or twitter, you should check out this show. You just never know what will be revealed during the Game Awards. And really, isn’t that what we care about? Not the Awards, no never that, but the announcements! The trailers! So what will we see tonight? Here are my wild, never will these happen predictions. Real Talk: Its 2020. If we get one…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #243: Revisiting Kingdom Hearts 2
In what feels like a lifetime ago, but really wasn’t too long ago, I bought the Kingdom Hearts: Story So Far collection. I had to have it. I beat Kingdom Hearts 3, loved it, and felt like I wanted to replay the other games. And off and on I have been playing them some. Recently, I got back to playing Kingdom Hearts 2. I’m not very far yet but I wanted to get all nostalgic about the game and talk…
Read MoreFINAL FANTASY XVI Has Been Revealed
The Playstation 5 event today started off with a bang: Final Fantasy XVI was shown! If you haven’t seen the footage for this game yet, you need to check it out. And then please come back here for some thoughts on the game. Final Fantasy XVI looks amazing! Wow! First of all, I was very happy that the game is a fantasy. It is set in a very medieval looking world. Think The Witcher meets Final Fantasy and you’ll understand…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #238: One PS5 Event to Rule Them All
Tomorrow, Sony will have another Playstation 5 digital Showcase video. This time, it’ll be 40 minutes long and features updates on titles for the launch of the PS5 (and beyond). What could it possibly show?! Yep, I’m going to give you my wildest, this will never happen guesses! Picture this if you will: The Playstation 5 Showcase video opens with a quick montage of games we’ve seen before: Horizon, Ratchet and Clank, etc etc, etc. Ending with the PS5 logo.…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered Review (PS4)
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is a spin-off/companion game outside the main Final Fantasy series. Released in 2003 for the Nintendo GameCube, it marked the first return of Final Fantasy to a Nintendo console since Final Fantasy VI. This Final Fantasy game features many new gameplay elements previously unseen in Final Fantasy, like real time fighting, as well as being the first RPG to incorporate GameCube-Game Boy Advance compatibility. The music was scored by Kumi Tanioka. A remastered edition was originally…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me #198: My Top 10 Favorite Games of All-Time
I may have written about this topic before but its worth revisiting because my favorite games of “all-time” list changes every so often. For this list I am limiting myself to one game per franchise because, honestly, most of my list would be Animal Crossing and Dragon Quest if I didn’t do that. Both of those games will have a game on this list of course. And so off we go! Starting with 10. 10. Star Wars: Knights of the…
Read MoreFinal Fantasy VIII Remastered Review
Final Fantasy VIII is the most underrated FF game on the Playstation 1. The game tried new things and those new things were quickly done away with when the next game came. Many people did not like FFVIII at all during the Playstation 1 era. I loved it. And now Final Fantasy VIII is back as Final Fantasy VIII Remastered for the Playstation 4. What do I think of the game now? Is it still worth checking out? Final Fantasy…
Read MoreMore Thoughts From Me E3 2019 Special Edition: Square Enix Rocks The House
I wasn’t sure what to expect with Square Enix’s conference. Yes, I knew they’d show Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Marvel’s Avengers. But what else would they show? Would Square Enix be the best conference yet or would they let us all down? I bet you can guess what I’m going to say! Right away, Square Enix showed the Final Fantasy Remake. We saw footage, they talked about it, and best of all: we saw actual gameplay! The new combat…
Read MoreInside FINAL FANTASY IX (Closed Captions Video)
Final Fantasy IX came to the Nintendo Switch and the Xbox One last month. You can check out my review of the Switch version here. I enjoyed it a lot. And if you are interested in the development of the FFIX, then you should check out Square Enix’s Inside Final Fantasy IX video below. I love Final Fantasy IX. It was such a treat to play it again and review it for GamesReviews.com. Final Fantasy 7 will be coming to…
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