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Wordsweeper by POWGI

By now, it should be no surprise to regular readers of that I enjoy Word games. I especially enjoy the Word games that Lightwood Games put out. And so when a new Word game by this wonderful developer comes out, I find that I must review it. Wordsweeper by POWGI is coming out this week! Is it another good game from Lightwood Games? Wordsweeper by POWGI is a hard game to explain. The in-game tutorial doesn’t do a good…

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Cybarian The Time Travelling Warrior

Cybarian The Time Travelling Warrior may remind you of Conan the Barbarian at first glance. That is until the warrior disappears and time travels to the future! In this game, you’ll be hacking and slashing your way around a cyberpunk future. This is a cool looking game, but is it a fun one? Here is my review of Cybarian The Time Travelling Warrior for Nintendo Switch! Cybarian The Time Travelling Warrior is an action platformer with a heavy emphasis on…

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Legend of the Tetrarchs

Legend of the Tetrarchs is a turn-based rpg from KEMCO for the Nintendo Switch. Its graphics will remind you of an SNES game and so will its gameplay. But is Legend of the Tetrachs worth playing? Here is my review of Legend of the Tetrarchs! Legend of the Tetrarchs is a very old school type of rpg. If you like rpgs with random battles and a turn based battle system, then you’ll want to check out this game. The battle…

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Warlock’s Tower

The Gameboy had some pretty cool puzzle games, such as Tetris, and it had some that have been forgotten. Warlock’s Tower feels like a game that could’ve been on the Gameboy, instead its on the Switch. Do I mean that in a good way or is Warlock’s Tower too much of a throwback? Here is my review of Warlock’s Tower for the Nintendo Switch. Warlock’s Tower seems like a really simple action puzzle game at first. Its graphics do not…

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Steamworld Quest Review

Steamworld Quest is a turn-based role playing game from Image and Form, the creators of Steamworld Heist and Steamworld Dig 1 and 2. Image and Form love playing around with different genres and gameplay styles. Steamworld Dig was an action/adventure, Dig 2 was a Metroidvania, and Steamworld Heist was a strategy rpg. All of them are excellent games! So how does Steamworld Quest stack up? Is it another winner from Image and Form? Steamworld Quest’s storyline is complex and very…

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Shadows of Adam Will Be Available for Nintendo Switch Pre-Load This Week

Shadows of Adam, an indie rpg inspired by SNES jrpgs, will be available for pre-load via the Nintendo Switch eshop on Friday! Shadows of Adam is an indie rpg that looks a lot like an SNES jrpg from the good ol’ days. The game will be coming to the Nintendo Switch eshop on May 3rd. If you want to buy it sooner though, you can pre-purchase/pre-load it this Friday (4/26). Of course, you’ll still have to wait till May 3rd…

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Cuphead Nintendo Switch Launch Trailer

Cuphead is on the Nintendo Switch right now! I never thought I’d say that. Are you looking forward to playing Cuphead on the Switch? Here’s the launch trailer for the game! Cuphead is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop! It costs $19.99. Will you download it? Let us know in the comments.…

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More Thoughts From Me #166: Too Many Sswitch Games in April

What do Steamworld Quest, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Cuphead, Final Fantasy 12, and Darksiders Warmastered Edition all have in common? They are all coming to (or already out on) the Nintendo Switch this month!! April is a crazy month for the Nintendo Switch. What are the games I’m looking forward to, what are the games I’ll have skip, and should we expect any more surprise games for this month?! April is here and there are…way too many games coming to the…

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Final Fantasy 7 Nintendo Switch Review

Final Fantasy 7 was first released on the Playstation 1. Since then, a port of it has appeared on the PC, Playstation 4, and elsewhere. The game has never appeared on a Nintendo console…until now. Final Fantasy 7 is now available on the Nintendo Switch eshop. How does the game hold up on the Nintendo’s handheld console? Here is my review of Final Fantasy 7 for the Nintendo Switch. Final Fantasy 7 for the Playstation 1 has a lot of…

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Mechstermination Force

Do you remember Shadow of the Colossus? Its the game where you have to climb giants and defeat them! What if you took that idea and turned it into a 2D action shooter? You might have Mechstermination Force for the Nintendo Switch! But would you have a good game? Mechstermination Force is an 2D action shooter that has you facing off against giant robots/creatures. Each “level” is a giant boss fight and thats it. This boss fights are beyond epic…

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