If you were a fan of Alice back in the day, the thought of American McGee's Oz was just unbearable. That dark style mixed with one of the best know fantasy stories ever... It inevitably got cancelled. That hasn't stopped the question popping up regularly, however: "Will American McGee and Spicy Horse ever tackle Dorothy's trip along the yellow brick road?"
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Destiny PC Version Possible
Bungie's Destiny is coming to more or less every current platform, with one or two major exceptions. The Wii U, I suppose, doesn't have the userbase to support an MMO-style title, while the PC seems ideal for it. So far though, Bungie haven't said anything about whether they're working on a title or whether they ever will. That has changed, and head of community at Bungie, Eric Osborne, hinted that it may well happen in the future.
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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II Announced
We published the review of the first game only a few weeks ago, and yet developer NeoCoreGames aren't resting on their laurels. They've already announced a sequel. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II will be more of the same, only with darker things afoot. By defeating the main boss at the end of the first game, Van Helsing has only laid open the opportunity for another bigger, badder foe to show their head.
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Vice City Stories for PC Total Conversion Mod Released
Although the PS2-era Grand Theft Auto games are by and large available on pretty much any system you want to play them on, with two pretty major exceptions. Liberty City and Vice City Stories were PSP games that deepened the cities and stories behind Grand Theft Auto 3 and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. They got a PS2 port back in the day and were recently released via the PlayStation Store for download, but there's going to be another way of playing soon as well.
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Rise of the Triad coming soon to digital stores, 1995/2013 cover comparison
The comparison between the covers of Rise of the Triad Dark War and Rise of the Traid 2013 are incredibly similar, but serve as an interesting marker on how gaming has changed over the last twenty years. Whether you're looking at the difference between art styles - that the '95 one was a replacement for actual in-game graphics - or if it's as simple as the zip on Thi's top being in a sightly higher position on the 2013 version of the cover. Either way, the reboot of the shareware classic is well on its way.
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Saints Row IV: Free “Commander In Chief” Edition Announced – The World NEEDS You!
Saints Row IV has you take on the role of the President of the US who must defend his nation and the world from a invading race of aliens. He'll do this by using kick-ass superpowers and massive weapons in the Saints Row over-the-top style that the series is best know for. It'll be available August 20th.
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Alan Wake Humble Bundle is Unmissable
Do you own a PC with an internet connection? Have you got even a little amount of money? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, you're absolutely going to have to buy the latest weekly Humble Bundle, which is a picture of absolute value. For a dollar, you get access to DRM-free and Steam copies of Alan Wake: Collectors Edition and to its spin-0ff, Alan Wake's American Nightmare. And that's where the value for money just begins.
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Mortal Kombat PC Officially Announced
After months of rumblings, Warner Brothers have officially announced Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition for the PC. After the game turned up on SteamDB and people were shown to be playing it through opensteamworks, it was more or less a foregone conclusion, but core gamers will be happy to see this one come to fruition.
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Action RPG Lords of the Fallen Announced for Next-Gen, PC
Made by a team led by Tomasz Gop, the senior producer on The Witcher 2, Lords of the Fallen is a new next-gen action RPG due in 2014. Described in the press release with words like “challenging” and “demanding,” this might be one to watch for fans of Dark Souls and its ilk. With rich RPG elements and a focus on a rich fantasy world in which humans have been abandoned by their gods, aficionados of the genre can expect…
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New Final Fantasy XIV Screens Released
Square Enix have today released a fresh batch of screens for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Showing off some beautiful landscapes, you can tell XIV is a Final Fantasy game regardless of its MMO-status. If nothing else comes of A Realm Reborn and it releases to another round of "meh," at least those who enjoyed the original release and are looking to continue supporting Square will have some nice things to look at.
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