Final Fantasy VII has finally made its way to Steam. For those that want to add one of the greatest RPGs of all time to their library, now's the chance.
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Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition Available from Steam
The Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition for PC was one of the worst kept gaming secrets of this year. Now, however, it’s out and it’s available to buy from Steam. Available for £24.99, the Komplete Edition includes everything that was released for the game – all the extra kostumes and kharacters are available right from the base game. There’s also leaderboards and achievements available from the official Mortal Kombat website, so get in quick if you want to pretend you’re awesome…
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Fez cost over half a million to make
Those of you that saw the movie Indie Game: The Movie which follows the development stages of Fez and Super Meat Boy would be forgiven for thinking very little money actually went into making Fez. A PC, desk, chair, some pizza and some software shouldn't run up too high of a bill right? Of course there are more to take into consideration naturally but if a Tweet by the outspoken developer Phil Fish is to believed, the end cost for bringing Fez to life is over half a million.
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Duke Nukem Classics Coming to Steam
Duke Nukem is once again coming to Steam. Expect Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem 2 and Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project to be available very soon.
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The Walking Dead: 400 Days releases sooner than you think
Excited to play the next chapter in the award winning The Walking Dead series by TellTale Games? Well you won't have to wait long.
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New Releases this week | July 1st – July 7th 2013
This week's new releases are severely lacking especially for the 2 main consoles, but Limbo comes to iOS on Wednesday so that kind of makes up for the big release short comings. The popular indie game is accompanied by some minor, small releases but hey, it's July.
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Minecraft sells 10 million on mobile
Daniel Kaplan from Mojang Games, developer of the immensely popular Minecraft, today tweeted the sales figures for all 3 platforms the game resides on.
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Amazon UK Now Selling Digital Titles
Amazon UK have subtly added the ability to buy digital titles from their store. This is an expected development, but one that seems to have been embraced with little to no hype or excitement.
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Saints Row 4 banned in Australia
Australians rejoiced back in January when the Classification Board approved the selling of 18+ games. This new rating opened the doors for games such as God Of War: Ascension and Dead Island Riptide to be sold on Australian soil. No longer would games be condemed and deemed inappropriate for even adult gamers. Or at least so we thought.
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Battlefield 4 Alpha Specs
You're going to need a beast of a machine if you want to run Battlefield 4 at its highest settings and at 60FPS. Although it scales down quite nicely (allowing decent cards to run it around the 30FPS mark), working towards the best possible Battlefield experience might take a graphics card upgrade.
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