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Knights of the Old Republic Turns Ten

One of the most popular and influential RPGs ever has turned ten today. Knights of the Old Republic was one of the first games to successfully capture the Star Wars vibe, but it also made a genre accessible to a whole new group of people and made possible games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age and even the modern Fallout games.

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Sales Numbers Higher than Ever on Steam says Indie Devs

Mike Bithell, creator of Thomas Was Alone tweeted some interesting insights into the sales figures of Steam content during the summer sale. It seems sales might be going through the roof. The Steam sale is less than 24 hours old, and yet sales figures seem to be impressing even the devs themselves. His exact words are Any other devs seeing crazy (even by steam sale standards) sales? Numbers are mad. — Mike Bithell (@mikeBithell) July 12, 2013   How exactly…

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Gamers Took Less than a Second to Crash Steam

The Steam Summer sale has started today, had you heard? Everybody else had heard as well, and as soon as the countdown timer above Alice: Madness Return his 0:00:00, Steam was forced to give up under the weight of hundreds of thousands clamouring to see what bargains might be on offer.

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Steam Summer Sale is Live

It’s that time of the year again, everybody. Take out your wallets and spend, spend, spend. The Steam Summer sale is now live, and although you’ll no doubt have problems getting onto the service for ten or fifteen minutes after 6, it’ll be more than worth the wait. There’s already been some odd problems all day, with images not loading and games disappearing entirely, so expect a bumpy ride with a fulfilling reward at the end. As always, it’s important…

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Watch Dogs Has Always-Online Features, But Isn’t Always-Online

Watch Dogs is a game that you'll want to have connected at all times, Ubisoft has revealed. Multiplayer will be so subtle that you probably won't even know you're in a multiplayer situation until the player entering your game actually chooses to attack, and there's no limit on the time they might follow you around, looking for the perfect opportunity.

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Steam Sale Confirmed by Valve Support to start on July 11th?

There's an awful lot of evidence pointing to tomorrow being the beginning of the famous Summer Steam sale. Some of it has been going around for weeks, with database updates and current sales ending abruptly pointing to the fact that something is going on, and it's happening tomorrow.

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Aliens DLC Unveiled – Stasis Interrupted

There will be some new single player Aliens DLC. Stasis Interrupted will be the final piece of DLC linked to the Colonial Marines season pass and the first piece of single player DLC made available. The four or five people who have been waiting patiently for some single player Aliens DLC (or any Aliens DLC for that matter) since launch probably won't be able to buy it, as they're not allowed access to money lest they spend it on silly things like Aliens: Colonial Marines DLC.

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Blake Stone Source Code

Blake Stone Source Code Uncovered, Released to Fans

Apogee Software have discovered the Blake Stone source code and are releasing it to fans. Blake Stone: Planet Strike was a 1994 FPS from around the same time as Doom. Nearly twenty years after its release, the source code (which was presumed missing) will allow fans to look into how Blake Stone was built.

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New Releases this week | July 8th – July 15th

A pretty good week for new releases this week with something for everyone on almost all platforms. As always this is not an exhaustive list and release dates may change at short notice.

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GoG #NoDRM Finale Wraps Up a Summer Sale

It's the final day of the GoG sale, so pull out your while and rebuy some of those Good Old Games. Great GoG deals include Fez at 50% off.

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