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PC Game Reviews

9.0 Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2


With the Gen 2 Stealth 600 available soon on Xbox One – and already available on PlayStation 4, we wanted to make sure our initial impressions of the newest generation of the Stealth 600 were up for your pleasure, and once again, Turtle Beach is all about comfort and quality with this sub $100 headset. Comfortable ear cushions that are glasses friendly – really folks, not every company is doing that these ...


9.5 Crusader Kings III


Reviewing Crusader Kings III is no easy task. On one hand, you could base your score on the technical achievements: the thousands of events, the potential for unlimited gameplay and modding. On the other hand, you can build your thoughts on that one time you found out your son was carrying out an incestuous relationship with his mother, and you protected their secret before murdering them both in cold blood. ...


6.5 Peaky Blinders: Mastermind


Who knew that a TV series following gangsters with Brummy accents could have such selling power? Birmingham has become the unlikely setting of Peaky Blinders, one of TV’s most popular British shows, giving our second city a focus outside the meat market and that funny shaped shopping centre. It only makes sense that a game was going to follow, and Mastermind has come along to fill that gap. What you end up ...


9.0 Creative’s Aurvana Trio Wir...


Not too long ago, Creative revealed its Super X-Fi technology and began implementing it in many of their new headphones. The Aurvana Trio Wireless is a neckband set of earbuds that promises extremely high audio quality without the hassle of bulky headphones or tangled wires. Neckbands might be the most uncommon type of headphone when compared to typical fully wired or wireless earbuds or traditional over-the-ear ...


9.0 Tell Me Why


Once upon a time there were two mischievous little goblins. They worked tirelessly to help the beautiful princess keep her hideaway in the woods liveable and together they were hard-up but happy. Everything felt almost like a fairy tale… until it got very real. Tell Me Why is the story of what happens after once upon a time, and of the dangers of romanticizing the past. People will talk a lot about Tell ...


7 Giraffe and Annika –


As a gamer we are often analyzing the value of a game by it’s length. We want the most bang for our buck, however at times games can overstay their welcome and become a fetch-quest driven chore of a time to complete. Giraffe and Annika is not that type of game, it is a charming fairy tale of an adventure game that can be beaten in 6 hours or less. A magical, mystery-filled adventure awaits! When a young ...


4.5 Brunch Club


Once upon a time, games were made to work as well as possible, and any janky physics or annoying glitches were the result of mistakes or oversights by developers. Today, as with Brunch Club, janky physics and annoying glitches are the game. Apparently it’s fun. We’ve seen it time and time again. Goat Simulator and Surgeon Simulator put their awfulness front and centre. The only reason to buy into it ...


8.5 Undermine


Undermine is the latest game in what’s starting to feel like a flood of roguelikes (or really, ‘roguelites’) hitting the market.  While it’s not pushing the boundaries of innovation, it’s a polished experience and one that stands out in an increasingly crowded genre. The cadre of miners that the player controls get a pickax and bombs.  The pickax can be swung or thrown and to avoid ...


7.0 TCL 10 L


TCL is making a name for themselves in the display manufacturing space, a area once dominated by Samsung and LG. Over the years, TCL displays have become better and better, and TCL TVs are becoming more popular and a go-to choice for many consumers. With the launch of the TCL 10 Pro and TCL 10 L smartphones, the company is officially placing it’s label on the mobile marketplace, and with some stunning results. ...


8.5 Creative BT-W3 Bluetooth Transmit...


For all of the technological advancements that are flying towards us at an increasing rate, there are still many gaps in compatibility that are glaring when you end up on the wrong side of them. Bluetooth connectivity is one such gap. Even though more and more headsets and audio devices are Bluetooth enabled, it is wild to think that current-gen consoles do not have native Bluetooth functionality. Enter the ...


9.5 Horizon Zero Dawn PC Complete Edi...


Originally released for PS4 in 2017, Horizon Zero Dawn is a blockbuster action RPG developed by Guerrilla Games. This Friday, August 7th, Horizon Zero Dawn PC Complete Edition will release and will be the first chance PC gamers will get to experience this truly exceptional game. It is a fairly rare occurrence for successful games that were previously PlayStation exclusives to make their way over to PC, and we ...


7.0 Skater XL


Fingerboarding, along with having really, really good Pokemon, was one of the main ways of proving you were cool when I was in school. I remember it well – wearing a leather jacket and awesome sunglasses, armed with a stick used to beat off the girls, I’d flick my way through the schoolyard with my tiny skateboard. It wasn’t the size though, dear reader, it was what you did with it, and that ...


8.0 Carrion


Videogames are often about defeating the big scary monster that’s tormenting the humans, but if you’ve ever wanted to flip the script and be that scary monster, Carrion is for you.  The folks over at Phobia Game Studio have put together a metroidvania style game that makes you feel powerful, clever, and has some of the most fluid movement of any game this year. Carrion puts you in the role of an ...


9.0 Megaquarium: Freshwater Frenzy DL...


Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water - Megaquarium's Freshwater Frenzy DLC is ready to take a serious bite out of your free time! Released in Fall 2018, Megaquarium is a wonderfully delightful sim/management game where the player builds their dream aquarium, while managing their food, staff, water quality and fish compatibility needs. While the base game focuses only on saltwater marine ...


7.5 Disintegration


Disintegration is a first-person shooter developed by V1 Interactive, a relatively new indie-developer, that aims to blast away any preconceived notions of what a first person shooter should be. While there is no doubt how ambitious of a project that might be for a team of under 30 people, some of the best games are ones that were built out of heart and passion for the hobby of gaming - not simple by those who ...


5.0 Volcanoids


Volcanoids is an early access co-op survival shooter and base builder from similarly named indie developer, Volcanoid. In a genre that is chock full of popular titles and where competition is fierce, it is not easy for an indie developer to break in, especially with such an ambitious project. Will Volcanoids drill through that barrier or will it explode under the pressure? Let's take a look and find out!


9.0 ROCCAT Vulcan 121 AIMO


As PC gaming technology pushes forward, so too does that of the accessories to go with them, and ROCCAT is one of the companies spearheading this charge. Nowhere is this more evident than with the Vulcan keyboard, which strives to be the fastest, most innovative keyboard on the market. Keystrokes and mouse-clicks have changed the world as we know it in innumerable ways, perhaps the most enjoyable of these ...


8.0 ROCCAT Kain 100 & 122 AIMO M...


ROCCAT is easily one of the fastest growing names in PC gaming peripherals. Today, we are taking a look at the Kain 100 AIMO and 122 AIMO Titan-Click RGB gaming mice. A relatively young company, ROCCAT has been producing quality hardware since 2007 and boasts premium German engineering. While there is no doubt that German engineering is known around the globe for its high quality, attention to detail and ...


7.5 Predator Hunting Grounds


Very few icons of 80’s action movies continue to drive mainstream appeal, but when someone mentions Predator to me. I instantly thing of high action, lush jungles, bullets flying, and Arnold telling me to GET TO THA CHOPPA! Over the years Predator maintains a decent popularity whether in their own films or having some cross overs with Aliens its always a brutal bloodbath of action. Can Predator Huntring ...


9.5 Gears Tactics


Officially dropping on PC tomorrow, Gears Tactics is a turn-based tactical shooter set in the Gears of War universe. With the rest of the games in the franchise sporting a heavy focus on fast-paced action, it will be quite interesting to see how a slower, turn-based and more cerebral approach to the Gears universe plays out. I certainly hope that the wide variety of weaponry available in the previous games will ...


7.5 Monster Energy Supercross 3 ̵...


I’m going to take a step back from reviewing Monster Energy Supercross 3 on the PS4, and let my 3-year-old give her thoughts on the latest game in the series from Milestone. “The obstacle course looks beautiful!” Insert “track” for “obstacle course” and you can see where she’s coming from. The game is a looker, as each of its predecessors has been. The tracks look great from the beginning, whether you’re ...


7.5 Zombie Army 4: Dead War


Released earlier this month, Zombie Army 4: Dead War is the sequel to the Zombie Army Trilogy, which in turn is a spin-off of the Sniper Elite sharpshooter series. In Zombie Army 4: Dead War, you will continue your journey through the Nazi zombie-infested landscapes of 1946 Europe. Featuring a full co-op mode and all of the bullet-time, skull-exploding goodness that has become synonymous with the Sniper ...


8.0 Tony Stewart’s Sprint Car R...


It’s a warm Saturday night in the summer. The dirt is flying as 20 sprint cars slide around the track in a perpetual left-hand turn, jockeying for position in front of local fans and family members. The motors are a constant drone, leaving your ears ringing while the dirt and dust gets in your eyes; leaving a gritty feeling in your teeth. In video games, that smalltown dirt-track feeling has been missing for a ...


7.5 Stone


Have you ever said to yourself, “Gee, I wish there was a game where I can play as a belligerent drunken Koala private eye in search of his lover Alex?” Well I certainly didn’t, but yet here we are, time to review Stone - A Hip Hop Stoner Noir by Convict Games.


9.0 Frostpunk: The Last Autumn DLC


Released on PC in 2018, Frostpunk might be my favourite city-builder of all time. Set in a harsh, unforgiving world in which a global cooling has wreaked havoc on the world and driven a small colony of survivors to settle the last city on Earth around a steam generator, Frostpunk forces you to make tough decisions and many compromises on your journey for survival. Its most recent DLC, Frostpunk: The Last Autumn, ...


8.5 1stPlayer K8 Fire Dancing Kit


These days, most products are tailored to one specific function. It makes sense that having a singular focus will help create the best version of that product. It also means that it becomes harder to use that product for any purpose other than the one it was specifically made for. This is as true about gaming accessories as it is about anything else. For example, have you tried writing an essay on a mechanical ...


8.5 888 Poker


For those who are looking to play poker online, there are a ton of different options, some of which are better than others. With so many different opportunities, it’s sometimes hard to pick the one you think will be best. Part of our human nature makes us pretty skeptical of online gaming sites, and it definitely should. There are a ton of sites that are not legitimate, and are just looking to take your ...


7.5 Ghost Recon: Breakpoint


Released earlier this week, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is the latest in Tom Clancy’s open-world shooter franchise. Following in the footsteps of Wildlands while promising an entirely remastered combat system and a range of new features, Breakpoint was one of the most exciting announcements at this year’s E3. With many recent games suffering from being over-hyped and then failing to deliver upon release, the ...


9.5 Creative Outlier Air


Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds are all the rage now, and while the marketplace use to be dominated by Apple Air Pods and the Samsung Equivalent, more and more companies are getting in on the action, and everyone is in competition to see who can get the biggest piece of the market pie. The most shocking revelation while researching for this review is what people want in Bluetooth earbuds, and it wasn’t what I ...


10 GraviTrax


We’ve reviewed our fair share of toys over the last number of years, including one of the most iconic construction toys on the entire planet: LEGO. Yet somehow, a new toy has entered the Roffel household that is like no other, that has captured the imagination of my kids, even weeks after we first opened it up. I’m talking about GraviTrax, a marble track STEM toy from Ravensburger, one that has already taken ...