Developer Leuvsion announced on twitter today that their game Twisted Fusion (Wii U) will be coming out in October. I remember hearing about this game years ago but haven’t thought about it in awhile. The developer did bring a Twisted Fusion X Blok Drop U crossover game to the Wii U and it was pretty good. Soon we’ll get to see if Twisted Fusion itself will live up to all the time and work that the developer has put into…
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Little King Story: A Nostalgic Trip
When Little King Story launched back on the Wii a number of years ago, it was a game I was really looking forward too. It delivered for me for the most part, but there were a few nagging issues that really took away from the overall experience. That game on Wii came and went for me, and frankly, I haven’t thought of it much since. That was until recently, when the PR company for Xseed reached out and sent over…
Read MoreGet Your Halo Bluetooth Speakers Preordered!
A few months ago, we posted an article detailing the upcoming release of the Halo Bluetooth speakers. Preorders for both the Spartan Helmet and Red and Blue Spartan Athlon Helmets are now live, and longtime – or new – Halo fans can grab something that not only serves a great purpose within your home, but looks great too. From AC Worldwide, the company behind these speakers: “Standing at over 30cm tall, these true replica speakers can adorn your room and…
Read MoreAre Subscription Boxes Worth It?
For a few months now, we have been unboxing and reviewing a good number of subscription boxes from multiple companies. For the most part, we have been enjoying them, but the question always gets asked: are subscription boxes worth the money? Answering that is pretty tough, depending largely on who you are and how broad your likes are. For full disclosure before going further, all the subscription boxes we review are provided to us free of charge from multiple companies.…
Read MoreDeus Ex: Man Kind Divided Review
Deus Ex: Man Kind Divided wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. Man Kind Divided was my first foray into the Deus Ex universe, and for all the hype, I wasn't seeing it early on. As you begin moving through the main story, however, you quickly release that Deus Ex isn't your typical first person action-adventure-stealth title; it is something much, much more.
Read MoreHave a Monstrously Fun Time: Gurumin 3D – A Monstrous Adventure Trailer
Off and on I’ve heard of a game called Gurumin coming to the 3DS, but I didn’t know what the game was. I think I might have seen some early footage of the game too. Still, the game didn’t stick in my mind. Then, Nintendo posted a trailer for the game today. Wow. I was blown away! We have the trailer below and my thoughts on the game. Gurumin 3D: A Monstrous Adventure will be coming soon to the 3DS.…
Read MoreSteamWorld Collection & Hat Winners Video
I love Steamworld Dig and Steamworld Heist. Image & Form has created two really good games that I could just play over and over again. And soon both of those games will be released to retail stores on one disc via the SteamWorld Collection! The collection will be on the Wii U and Playstation 4. We have a new video from Image & Form talking about the collection, some hat winners, and of course more of me drooling over this…
Read MoreWhat Could’ve Been: Epic Donald Was In Development/Never Made
I’m a huge fan of Epic Mickey. When the game was released on the Wii, I thought it was one of the coolest Disney games ever. Warren Spector, previously developer on Deus Ex, loves Disney and you can tell just by playing Epic Mickey. He and his company, Junction Point, developed a sequel to Epic Mickey and then Disney shut the developer down. Spector has always talked about how he would have loved to have done a Ducktales game, but…
Read MoreJotun: Valhalla Edition Gets Release Dates For Wii U, PS4, and Xbox One
Nintendo didn’t reveal a lot of new games at E3, but one of the things they did do was help to reveal a couple of new indie games for the Wii U. Jotun: Valhalla Edition was one of those games. And today, a release date was given for the Wii U version and versions for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One too! Jotun: Valhalla Edition will be coming to the Wii U on September 8th. It will come to the…
Read MoreJuly Loot Gaming
I've really been enjoying the Loot Gaming Crate, and this month featured some of my favorite franchises, including Assassins Creed, Dead Island, Far Cry, and more! I was especially interested in the exclusive Far Cry Primal tShirt, but all of the items in this box were pretty impressive. Check below our unboxing video to see a full written review with high resolution photos!
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