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Underwhelmed, But It’s Not Nintendo’s Fault – Excited for Switch 2!

Let’s get this out of the way first – I am absolutely stoked for the Nintendo Switch 2, and despite my muted feelings towards today’s trailer drop, my wife and I will be finding a way to make one of these units appear in our household on launch day. At this point in our lives, my wife and I are playing our video games on the Nintendo Switch almost 90% of the time, with the last little bit being divided up between Xbox, Playstation, and PC. So why am I so disappointed and underwhelmed today? Leaks.


I did my best to avoid leaks, and if you know anything about the work we do here on, we will almost NEVER report on leaks in any great detail. Nintendo has been a fantastic review partner over the past decade, and while it’s only been a few years since we’ve begun to receive pre-launch access to games, the company has always treated us well, even when our opinions of their titles don’t match. They treat us well, and we feel the desire to reciprocate that trust by NOT posting every leak that gets revealed. To that end, I was never searching them out – I wanted to be surprised.

Leaks got me, no matter how hard I tried not to see them or look at them. So on the eve of the trailer, in conversation with my friends, I was asked what I expected. And I summed it up in one way – it’s going to be bigger, it’s going to have a USB-C port on both the top and bottom, it will play old titles, and there will be Joy-Con improvement.

And that’s exactly what we got. The joy of the reveal was completely gone, and while I’m very excited for April 2nd where I will be surprised by what is under the hood, today’s announcement video wasn’t what I wanted.

And again, that was NOT Nintendo’s fault.

As we move closer to the launch of the Nintendo Switch 2, GamesReviews will be posting about all the details as Nintendo releases them. We are hopeful that, like with the launch of the Nintendo Switch, we will be one of the lucky outlets to provide you with a comprehensive review of the console and any launch titles right around release. But either way, GamesReviews is looking forward to stepping into the future of Nintendo, with Nintendo. The entire team here is very excited for the future of the Nintendo Switch, and what Nintendo will be doing with that extra size and better hardware!


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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