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Earthbound Has Arrived on the New 3DS eshop Today!

I’ve bought Earthbound three times now! I bought it when it first came out on the SNES, I bought it when it came to the Wii U, and now I’ve bought it on the New 3DS. The game arrived on the New 3DS today! Will you be picking it up?

Earthbound came out on the New 3DS eshop today in North America. The game is also available on the Wii U.

Nintendo has been giving the Earthbound games a lot of attention recently. Last year, Earthbound Beginnings, a title that never came to North America before, was released on the Wii U. Not only that, but the hero of the never released in the West third Earthbound game, Lucas, was a DLC character (and amiibo) for Super Smash Bros! Even Ness got an amiibo last year too. And now this year, the original SNES classic was brought out for the New 3DS.

Will you be downloading Earthbound for the New 3DS? Let us know in the comments!

Next week, I’ll have even more thoughts on Earthbound in my More Thoughts From Me column. Why do I keep coming back to Earthbound? I’ll tell you about that, plus let you know what I think of the New 3DS version.

Take a look at this trailer for Earthbound for the New 3DS:


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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