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Nintendo Minute Takes One Final Look At Fire Emblem Fates

All month, Nintendo Minute has had videos about Fire Emblem Fates. The latest Nintendo Minute is the final Fire Emblem Fates video for this month and takes a look at the game’s DLC.



Kit and Krysta have been taking a look at Fire Emblem Fates all month on Nintendo Minute. Now we’ve reached the end of their look at Fire Emblem Fates. The video below looks at the current Before Awakening DLC and the upcoming Fire Emblem Fates Revelations. Are you playing Fire Emblem Fates? Which version are you playing? Let us know in the comments! Also check out a bonus Fire Emblem Fates video under the Nintendo Minute.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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