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Its Still A Tomodachi Life

When Nintendo first announced Tomodachi Life for the 3DS, I thought it sounded goofy and didn’t think it would be my cup of tea. Then, I saw the Nintendo Direct focused on the game and I was sold. The game did look goofy, but definitely my type of goofy. I loved how fun it looked. I’ve never played the game as much as Animal Crossing, but I keep coming back to it. Why do I keep coming back? Because its still a Tomodachi Life man!


Tomodachi Life is a hard game to explain. You create one Mii’s look, personality, voice, and put them in an apartment. Then you feed the Mii, cloth it, and then you start to put more residents into the apartment building. The game is a Sim, but its unlike any sim you’ve ever played before. The Mii’s take on a life of their own and they’ll fall in love, interact with each other in strange ways, and even have wacky dreams. You just never know what’ll happen in Tomodachi Life.

I found myself playing the game a lot when it first came out. After awhile, I thought the novelty was gone and I sold my copy of the game. I started to miss the game a lot though and eventually got a download copy. I started playing it a lot again and then abandoned it after awhile. Now I’m playing the game again. Why do I keep getting dragged back into Tomodachi Life?

I love the goofiness of the game. There are rap battles, strange dreams, tons of items to collect, and much more. I also think its great how you can go in, interact with the Mii’s a little bit, and then leave. They do try to make you feel guilty for not visiting them in awhile, but its not as much guilt as you feel with Animal Crossing. Tomodachi Life is more laid back then Crossing. You don’t have to do favors for the Miis if you don’t want to. You don’t even have to go visit certain Miis or you can add in even more characters whenever you want! Tomodachi Life has so much customizability and its a very unpredictable “game”.

You may ask yourself: Is Tomodachi Life a game? No, not really. Tomodachi Life is a way of life.

So have you played Tomodachi Life? If so, do you still play it? Also: if you feel like it, please share your Mii QR codes with us.

Here’s my QR code:


Note: all of the above pics are old photos from my first Tomodachi Life game! Man, I need to take some new pictures soon. You might want to keep an eye on @df2506 (on twitter) for some goofy new photos.


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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