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More Thoughts From Me #150: Smash! Aaaaah! Kirby Will Save Every One of Us

I wasn’t going to buy Super Smash Bros Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch. I had no plans to…and then…I did! Today’s column is all about why I didn’t want to buy Smash, why I ended up getting it, and what I think of the game so far.


I was tired of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Don’t get me wrong: I thought the game looked good. I had played Smash Bros games before and liked them. That said, Nintendo was going overboard with all the Smash attention at E3 and all the attention it was getting in the Nintendo Directs. I wanted to hear about other games already!

So I had no plan to buy Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The game just didn’t interest me that much and I was tired of hearing about it.

But when I heard about the game’s Spirit mode and I thought that was pretty interesting. Still. I didn’t think I’d buy it. Then I read up about the mode on the Nintendo Switch’s news channel and I saw people posting pictures of it. And so, the week after the game came out I found myself….buying Super Smash Bros Ultimate!

I was excited to play the game. I especially couldn’t wait to dig into the Spirit mode. I started playing the game, focusing on that mode and unlocking characters and spirits left and right.

Now I’m addicted to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I’ve liked previous Smash games, but this game is better than all of them in my opinion. It completely lives up to the title Ultimate!

All the characters and stages are in this game, plus the wonderful new story mode and online multiplayer. I have played some online multiplayer. The first round I played online went really well though. The next rounds…didn’t go well at all! Mostly, I’m focusing on Spirit mode and unlocking characters. I play the single player fighting mode once and awhile too.

My favorite fighter is Kirby. He is awesome in this game. Maybe he’s overpowered? Sure. I love it. I’ve started to learn all of his moves too. Though I also like Snake, Simon Belmont, Isabelle, and the Villiager a lot too. I hope I unlock Cloud soon. I really want to try that character out.

Super Smash Bros is absolutely one of my favorite games of the year. What do you all think? Is Smash Ultimate awesome?

Next week: The column will be late next week because of Christmas. There will be a column though. It’ll be on Wednesday most likely. I’ll talk about my top 10 games of the year!

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Smash! Aaaaaah. *sung to Flash Gordon theme*


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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