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Grand Theft Auto V Has Outsold GTA IV in UK


Grand Theft Auto V has sold enough to become the fifth biggest seller in the UK in terms of revenue, only just behind four Call of Duty titles. That’s right – in only three weeks its managed to totally outdo its predecessor.

If you wanted proof that Rockstar’s biggest title to date would be the climax of this generation, this is it. For all the games sold in the UK, ever, Grand Theft Auto is right up there, one of the few franchises that dares attempt to take on the yearly success story that is Call of Duty, and indeed may even manage to beat even those in the long run (even with Ghosts on the horizon).

Despite it continuing to sell incredibly well, it still remains in second place to FIFA 14 on this week’s sales list. Both games have seen a significant drop off in sales over last week, however, with FIFA dropping 60% and Grand Theft Auto dropping 30%. Had they been released the same week, Grand Theft Auto would probably have thrashed FIFA, although it seems EA released at the best possible moment and will continue rolling high on the charts until the next big release.

With next-gen and PC versions of Grand Theft Auto V rumoured to be in development, it’ll be interesting to see if the game receives another major boost in the future, and if it’ll ever be able to topple Call of Duty as king of revenue.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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