Fox Trademarks Alien: Isolation
Fox have registered a trademark that hints at the possibility of a new Aliens game. If you played Aliens: Colonial Marines, you’ll know that this might just be the most important news you read today. With its glitchy enemies, lack of difficulty and “anybody can run it” graphics, Aliens: Colonial Marines was definitely game of the year.
SEGA and Gearbox rather mucked up with Colonial Marines, best known for its terribleness, its long development cycle and its slightly dodgy preview trailer, so another game in development so soon after is a little surprising. Perhaps Fox want to show that it can be done properly before moving on to a multimedia project, not unlike Destiny?
Or perhaps it’s just a mobile title. Whatever happens, it probably will still be worth more than the last title.
If it’s a new game, we should hear about it over the next few months. Fox has something a PR mess to clean up with it, however, so it’ll be interesting to see how things pan out. I know I’m not alone in wanting a really awesome Aliens game – the closest we’ve come to that is probably the first FPS Aliens Vs Predator – and this could be a chance to fix the bitterness over Colonial Marines and to show how it can be done properly.
Or it’s a mobile game.