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Final Fantasy VI Remake coming to Mobile


Square Enix have today announced a remake of Final Fantasy VI – originally released as Final Fantasy III in the US – for mobile devices, due for release in Winter. It won’t be a straight up port. The game will receive both visual changes and gameplay updates to fit with on-the-go gaming.

Most striking will be the difference in visual style. Although it’ll still be 2D, the game will look more like the re-release of Final Fantasy V, a visual style got very mixed reviews. It’s easy to see why. They’re far smoother than the original sprites, like somebody drew a cartoon based on the old look, but didn’t manage to capture the charm. If VI doesn’t fix that problem in its visual style, people will once again be disappointed.

They’ve also announced they’ll be making certain parts of the game easier, in particular stopping grinding. This is important, because although it was very easy to get through most the game with just your favourite characters, there came a point where you absolutely needed to grind, else you couldn’t finish it. That was incredibly frustrating. If it’s just easier, that could be rather frustrating, but if it’s better balanced, I can see this being a massive improvement, and not just for those that have never played the game before.

Final Fantasy VI for iOS and Android will be released this Winter. No price has been announced, although it’ll probably be £10.99. 


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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