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More Thoughts From Me #185: 9/4/2019 Nintendo Direct Predictions

Nintendo announced a Direct for tomorrow, September 4th, earlier today. The Direct will be at 5pm central time and feature roughly 40 minutes of Nintendo goodness. What will the Direct be about? What do I predict we’ll see? Thats what this column is about: the predictions!


Tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct will be roughly 40 minutes long and be focused on 2019 games! But I have a feeling thats not all we’ll see.

Here are my Nintendo Direct predictions. I think we might even see some of these:

Smash Bros surprise: Everyone including their mother and father and brother and sister and second cousin are saying we’ll see a Smash DLC character reveal in tomorrow’s Direct. I wouldn’t be surprised if we did! I’d be shocked if we didn’t though. Who could we see? The popular rumor is SNK characters. There’s also a rumor about the main character from Ninja Gaiden. I’m saying Master Chief, followed by an announcement of Halo 1-3 coming to the Switch. There. You know my predication won’t happen.

Square Enix Stuff: I think we will see more new game announcements from Square Enix. I do not dare to say what I hope for though. We should get a release date for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles finally too.

Nintendo Switch Online Update: SNES games are the popular and obvious next step for the Switch online service. I think Nintendo might make us wait a bit more for that but maybe they’ll give us another system in the meantime. Gameboy and Gameboy Color? Hmmmm.

3DS surprise: No. Just kidding. sigh.

More footage of games we know about: We know this one will happen because…Nintendo told us thats what the Direct is about. Ok, so less of a prediction, more of “I guess should mention this”. We’ll see more footage of Link’s Awakening, Daemon X Machina, Dragon Quest 11 S, and other games coming out this month. Luigi’s Mansion 3 will get more footage.

This is Out Now: Overwatch is heavily rumored for the Switch. I think it might even get a “available now” or after this Direct type of launch. There might even be a new demo for Daemon X Machina or some other game along with this Direct too.

Switch Lite: C’mon, you know they’ll show the Switch lite, even if its just showing some upcoming games playing on it.

2020 surprises: Yes, Nintendo says that the Direct will focus on 2019 games but they always say stuff like that and then we see some games for the next year. I’d be shocked if Nintendo didn’t tease at least a couple of games past 2019. My guess? Paper Mario and that long rumored Star Fox game. There is another game I’d like to see too but…I think it best not to predict that one…

The sky’s the limit: Remember that Nintendo Direct last September? Anything is possible!

So will this be a great Nintendo Direct or a bad one? I’m guessing it’ll be as good or as bad as you want it to be. Is that a cop out answer? You bet it is! Its also very true. I’m sure there’s some people who didn’t like that Nintendo Direct last September…

I’m crossing my fingers. Here’s hoping for a Nintendo Direct that tops last September and E3’s Nintendo Directs!

Note: if the Nintendo Direct is really good, I will do a special More Thoughts From Me tomorrow or Thursday.

Next week: Batman: Arkham Knight is a Playstation Plus game this month. I’m going to download it! I’ve never played the game before. Next week, I’ll talk about Arkham Knight and what I think of it.

More Thoughts From Me is an opinion column. The thoughts expressed here are mine and mine alone. Please Nintendo. Show that one game. You know the game I’m talking about. Please??


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Wii U and 3DS are currently his favorite video game systems!

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