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Final Fantasy X HD Has 60 Rearranged Tracks, New Menus

Final Fantasy X

Some new information has been released about the upcoming re-release of Final Fantasy X for PS3. If you’d wanted to know why it’s taken so long for “just” a remaster to get onto our consoles, this might have something to do with it.

Although we already knew that our Final Fantasy X adventure would look better than it ever had before, it may just sound better as well. I say may, because Square haven’t just remastered the original tracks and placed them back in the game at a higher quality. 60 of the 92 songs have been rearranged so that, while they may be familiar, they may also be completely different. Masashi Hamauzu has been on hand to help out with the rearranging, but expect mixed reaction come release date.

There’s also been some new comparison screens released, this time showing off the new menus. How can different menus enrich your gaming experience? Just look at them!

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These are much cleaner than the originals, and will look far better on a HD TV. I don’t want to say that you’ll enjoy spending hours in front of the sphere grid, but perhaps tapping the triangle button will be that much more pleasant whenever you want to change weapons, check stats or juggle items.


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blank Mat Growcott has been a long-time member of the gaming press. He's written two books and a web series, and doesn't have nearly enough time to play the games he writes about.

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