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Dragon Quest XI Prologue Video Surfaces on YouTube

Thanks to the development team behind Dragon Quest XI, the prologue film which sets of the events of the game is no available for viewing on YouTube. The 4:12 video highlights the events that bring about the story you will experience while playing Dragon Quest XI.

Dragon Quest XI launches next week on PS4 and PC, and will provide players with roughly 70-100 hours of content. As some reviews have already hit the interwebs, the constant theme through all of them is an incredibly accessible experience that does everything you love about old school Japanese Role Playing Games, while bringing in modern gaming mechanics such as the ability to flee battle, etc.


We at are still waiting to see whether we will have the opportunity to look at the game ahead of launch. IF the opportunity arises, expect a number of articles around the games graphics, the audio, the story, and much more leading into launch!

From the PS4 page:

DRAGON QUEST® XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age™ follows the perilous journey of a hunted hero who must uncover the mystery of his fate with the aid of a charismatic cast of supporting characters. They embark on a quest taking them across continents and over vast oceans as they learn of an ominous threat facing the world.

DRAGON QUEST XI brings a massive, gorgeous world to life in a style that blends stylistic cel-shading with photorealistic detail.

Engage in a turn-based battle system that eases players into combat with an accessible experience, featuring mechanics simple enough for novices but with enough depth to satisfy long-time fans.

DRAGON QUEST XI features tons of side-quests and mini-games that provide enough content to keep you playing for well over 100 hours.

Are you excited for Dragon Quest XI?


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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