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Dragon Quest 11 S Definitive Edition Demo Impressions

A demo for Dragon Quest 11 S Definitive Edition was released today! You can download it now on the NA, EU, and JP eshops. I haven’t finished the demo yet, but I wanted to talk about what I’ve played so far. How is Dragon Quest 11 on the Nintendo Switch?


There is a demo out for Dragon Quest 11 S Definitive Edition right now on the Nintendo Switch eshops! This really made my day. I’m a huge Dragon Quest fan and I love DQ11. I played the game on the Playstation 4 and thought it was great.

So how is the game on the Nintendo Switch so far?

It should be no surprise: its really excellent. Square Enix did a wonderful job bringing this game to the Switch. The graphics are beautiful, especially the cutscenes. The graphics look almost as good as they did on the PS4. Maybe as good. I’d have to play the PS4 version again to make a fair comparison.

As for the gameplay, its just how I remembered it on the PS4. The game plays great on the Switch. The load times in the Switch version seem shorter than the Playstation version.

Everything is running smoothly; I haven’t seen any framerate problems yet.

And one of my favorite things about the Switch Dragon Quest 11 is that I can finally read the menus in this game! On the PS4, the text for the menus was so small. I’ve been playing DQ11 in handheld mode and the text is very readable. sigh. So nice.

My only disappointment with this demo is the 2D mode is not playable. At the start of the demo, it asks you to choose between 2D and 3D but then tells you that 2D is not available in the demo. I would have loved to have checked out that out. Oh well. I’ll be counting the days till I get to play the full game!

Have you checked out the Dragon Quest 11 S demo for Switch? What do you think of the game?

Stay tuned to for more news, previews, thoughts, and possibly a review of Dragon Quest 11 S Definitive Edition!


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blank Daniel Fugate has wanted to be a writer since he was seven years old. He has a bachelor's degree in English and he's a huge Animal Crossing fan. The Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series S are his favorite systems. His e-mail is

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