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Cost Prohibitive to Play Old Pokemon Games

Like many Pokemon fans, I have been reliving the originals – Red, Blue, and Yellow – on my 3DS XL and I have been loving them. Since I’m almost done Yellow, however, my fun with Pokemon is about to be cut before the release of Pokemon Sun and Moon release later this year. Nintendo needs, and should, release more remakes, because the cost of acquiring these games themselves is very high.


I recently perused eBay for used copies of various Pokemon games, and the older you go, the more expensive the games become. Copies of Heart Gold and Soul Silver – with the pedometer – go anywhere from 70-100 dollars, depending on condition. That is insane!

By releasing old Pokemon titles as eShop downloads, Nintendo can open up the world of Pokemon to more players. As is obvious by Yellow, Blue, and Red, there is a demand for older Pokemon titles, even today. Nintendo does need to act fast, however, to capitalize on the lull between the launch of the first three titles on the eShop and the release of Sun and Moon this holiday season.

If more Pokemon games were available at a reasonable price in the eShop, I would purchase them. While I still have a lot of the older DS titles, so many are still not present in my current physical collection. If I could get Heart Gold or Soul Silver for a reasonable price, I totally would.

Make it happen Nintendo. The people will love you for it.


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blank Adam Roffel has only been writing about video games for a short time, but has honed his skills completing a Master's Degree. He loves Nintendo, and almost anything they have released...even Tomodachi Life.

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