Nintendo Summer Event: Mario Maker
When Nintendo does their post E3 event in Toronto, I always look forward to playing the big games that will be coming to market. Usually, the biggest games peak my interest early, but Mario Maker was something I needed to play to really appreciate.
When it comes to games with map editors, I always get bored with creating my own things. So when I got some hands on time with Mario Maker, I really wondered out how long I would last: ten minutes? 30 minutes? In actuality, I had to pass off to other media members and come back later for more…and more…and more.
Mario Maker is outstanding. You can literally do whatever you want. In fact, there were so many options I felt a bit overwhelmed when I first started. But after some time, the fun sunk in. The real challenge will be creating levels that others will have ah ard time actually completing. After a few failed attempts, it became obvious that I wasn’t creative enough to create something really, really good. However, other media members at the event where, which makes me very excited for onlince creation sharing. That is probably where I will spend most of my game playing time.
Are you grabbing Mario Maker in September? Are you more of a creator or a player? With online sharing, we all could be playing a neverending game of 2D Mario!